Chapter 6

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tw: mentions of sh

Kyoko's POV

I woke up in Celeste's arms. I looked at the clock lit up by the moonlight and it said 3 am. The moon was really bright. The curtains should've been shut. I didn't do anything about it though, because I was too comfortable in her arms. I adjusted myself more comfortably and looked at her face. her hair was just in a low ponytail in the back, but she had wisps of hair in her face. I inspected every inch of her face and neck for, you know, research purposes. I felt so safe in her arms. I took her hands and kissed them.

As I did that, I noticed something. The cuts. I remembered seeing them all over her body. I didn't want to wake her peaceful slumber though, so I just kissed her cheek and wrapped my arms around her.

The second time I woke up, Celeste was nowhere to be found. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Just as I was about to call her, the door opened and she came in with breakfast.

"Hello, dear," she smiled.

I blushed and smiled softly back.

"I brought us some tea and breakfast," she said, bringing the bag over to the bed.

"Thank you," I said. "You didn't have to do that."

"I know," Celeste responded. "I felt bad about yesterday and I love you so I felt like it was right."

She said she loves me.

We started eating as the TV played random shows.

I didn't know if it was a good time to talk about it so I did.

"Celeste," I started.

She looked up and hummed to say she was listening.

"Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw something."

"Oh?" She said. "Saw what?"

I took her arm and gently moved her sleeve as she flinched. After pulling it back, I revealed her numerous cuts. Celeste didn't say anything.

"I was wondering what these were for."

Celeste sighed and looked away before putting on a sweet smile.

"I'd rather not talk about it at the moment," she said. I nodded, but I was still curious.

We were done eating and Celeste was playing with my hair as she gazed out the window. I was on the verge of falling asleep, but before I did I had to tell Celeste something.

Looking up into her eyes, I said, "Celeste?"

She looked down at me and smiled. "Yes?"

"I love you too."


Celeste's POV

Later after Kyoko went home, I was in the cafe drinking tea. I was thinking about what Kyoko said earlier. She wanted to know why I... I'll probably tell her eventually, maybe. I really have let my guard down too much, but the way she looked at me and said she loved me is enough to make me do anything. We agreed to hang out tomorrow to study after school and maybe get some tea. I guess I don't have to think about my secrets for a while and I can just sleep.

After school the next day, I went to meet Kyoko at her last class. She was talking to Byakuya. Or, Byakuya was talking to her.

"You're a disgusting child who knows nothing about anything," Byakuya grunted. Other people in the class were watching but not doing much like Toko and Chihiro. Sakura was holding Hina back as she saw me coming.

"Hello everybody," I said, making all the heads turn to me. "What is this conversation I've walked into?"

"Hello Celeste, it's nothing, I was just about to leave," Kyoko was looking at the ground.

"Hello Celeste, aren't you this fags girlfriend?" Byakuya snarled.

I laughed softly. "Yes. And aren't you his boyfriend?" I asked, nodding towards Makoto. Byakuya stepped back dramatically. Makoto stepped forward.

"No! That's wrong!" jk

"I'm really sorry about him, you guys," Makoto said, pulling Byakuya's arm. "He's got internal homophobia." I nodded as I took Kyoko's hand and we briskly walked out of the room.

"That was a joke," I said, huffing.

"Celeste, it's alright," Kyoko said.

"I'm sick of him." I daintily stormed away, pulling Kyoko along.

She pulled away. "Celestia, you're overreacting. It isn't a big deal and I can handle it. I couldn't even stick up for myself because you pulled me away."

I stopped and looked at her. "I just don't want anything to happen to you," I said.

"I'm not stupid. I'm literally the Ultimate Detective. I was a very sufficient loner before I met you. I don't need you, or anyone." Kyoko looked at my hurt face before walking away.

"Kyoko!" I shouted. I can't believe she just walked away. Well, I can do the same. I calmly gained composure and walked in the opposite direction, heels clacking.

oh no a fight?

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