Chapter 11

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Celeste's POV

It's been about a year since Kyoko and I started dating, and I've been self-harm-free for the most part. Kyoko is the best thing that's ever happened to me. She listens to me and I can listen to her. We talk about the future all the time, and I'm positive I want to marry her. Just a few more years, right?

I woke up pretty early on a Saturday morning, wrapped around Kyoko. I kissed her hair as she shifted in her sleep. It was almost Christmas, our first Christmas as a couple, and my family wanted me to come visit them. I thought it could be a good time for Kyoko to meet them because it's better sooner than later with them.

I went to get us breakfast and came back to Kyoko watching TV.

"Good morning darling," I said, setting down our food and sinking in next to her.

"Good morning," she responded, taking some food.

"So, I was thinking." I turned to face Kyoko and she froze, nervous. "It's ok," I giggled. "My family wants me to go home for Christmas."

"Oh," Kyoko said. "Oh..."

"But," I resumed. "I was thinking of taking you with me so they could meet you."

"I-I mean, I could, but," Kyoko trailed off. "Well, I guess it'd be better than staying here with my dad."

I squealed and hugged Kyoko.

"But I've never really asked," Kyoko said. "Do they know you're gay?"

I thought about it. I mean, I've brought home girls before and they didn't really say anything, so I don't think they care. They are very annoying though.

"I've never officially come out, but I think they know," I concluded. "And you?"

"I barely talk to my dad if I can avoid it," Kyoko said, "but I don't think he will be very excepting."

"Aw," I took Kyoko's hands. "It's alright, I'll always be here."

"I love you," Kyoko said, laying her head on my chest.

"I love you too darling," I replied, petting her hair lovingly.


Now it was finally Christmas break, and tomorrow was Christmas Eve. Snow was falling. Today was the day that Kyoko and I were returning home.

"So," I started, folding clothes into a suitcase. "My family isn't too fond of me in general, and my illegal gambling addiction didn't really help, but I think they're at least a little proud of me for being an Ultimate."

"Yeah," Kyoko replied. "Same."

We had been basically sharing a room for a while now so Kyoko was packing her clothes from in my room.

"One good thing is I'll get to see my cat," I said. I had missed my cat, Grand Bois Cheri, for a long time. "I was thinking about sneaking him in."

"I'll help," said Kyoko, shutting her suitcase.

I looked at her and smiled admiringly.


Kyoko and I were waiting in front of the big school building for my chauffeur to arrive. He pulled up in a limousine like normal, and Kyoko gasped in awe.

"That's pretty," she admired. I smiled, not thinking much of it.

"Hello dear," I greeted the driver. "I have a guest, so I hope that it won't be too much of a bother."

The chauffeur tipped his hat and started driving. I took Kyoko's hand and squeezed it.

"Are you nervous?" Kyoko asked me.

"Eh," I shrugged. But I was, in fact, pretty nervous. The love of my life was coming to meet my family. It had to be a good impression.

After about an hour, I gently shook Kyoko awake, who fell asleep with her head on my shoulder. The car had come to a stop in front of my big family home.

It was pretty big for a family of four, but my parents wanted the best for my sister. Younger than me, she was of course the baby of the family. She was smarter than me in school and things, so my parents naturally started ignoring me. I became rebellious and made a name for myself in the gambling world as Celestia Ludenberg. They still didn't really approve and insisted on calling me Taeko still. I didn't mind too much, but they still frustrated me. I think they still love me deep down.

"Taeko?" I heard a deep voice.

"That would be my father," I told Kyoko gently, helping her out of her seat.

As I turned around I almost ran into my mother, who I greeted and kissed her cheeks.

"Welcome home," she said. "Let's head inside because it's cold, and you can explain... this," she gestured to Kyoko.

Kyoko glanced at me uncertainly and I grabbed her hand for comfort, for her and for me.

We walked inside and my sister was sitting at the table, my dad going to sit down next to her.

"Hello Taeko," Stella greeted. I nodded back.

"We see you've brought someone along," my dad said. "Would you like to introduce us?"

I took a deep breath and pulled Kyoko up.

"Mom, Dad, Stella, this is my girlfriend Kyoko."

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