Chapter 12

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hi guys i'm at the beach but my family is so annoying

Kyoko's POV

"I see," Celeste's mom observed. Stella nodded before looking back at her phone.

"Is she at least an Ultimate?" her dad asked. "That's the least thing you could accomplish."

"Actually, she's the Ultimate Detective," Celeste explained. "Her dad is the headmaster at our school."

Her dad got a thinking look on his face, then a look of realization.

"Ah!" He exclaimed. "Jin? I know him."

I nodded and said, "It is nice to meet you all." I was really hoping that he wasn't great friends with my dad. Then again, it could soften the blow.

"You two should get settled in your rooms and then come for dinner," her mom said.

"Alright," Celeste replied, quickly standing up and pulling me and her suitcase along.

We went into a room at the end of the hall and shut the door.

Celeste leaned against the door and let out a long sigh.

"I don't think it went too bad," I said, my hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah," Celeste said, setting her bag down and opening a door in the room. It seemed to lead to another bedroom similar to this one.

"So, when I moved out I pretty much took everything so the bedrooms are guest rooms now," Celeste explained. "I think my parents will make us sleep in separate bedrooms though." She sighed.

I looked around, saying, "That could be ok, right? It's for the sake of your parents after all."

Celeste shrugged.

"I guess."

We started getting settled in our connected but separate rooms, and relaxed before 6 o'clock dinner.

At 6 we walked to the fancy dining hall. I could tell why Celeste was so fancy, this was a very proper place.

"Have a seat," gestured Celeste's mom. They were already all sitting, so we sat down as well. I was surprised when butlers? came out and served us our food. I thought a chauffeur was a lot, but this is crazy.

We had ham and plenty of other things, trying to start up a conversation.

"So, how is school?" Celeste's dad asked.

"It's good," Celeste nodded.

He looked at her, encouraging her to say more.

"Well- I've made some new friends, and I'm learning things," she said. I nodded in agreement.

"Have you been gambling recently?" Celeste's mom's eyes glared.

"Actually, I haven't," Celeste seemed surprised.

"That's good," her dad said. "You should work for your money, not cheat it."

"It's not cheating," Celeste shot back, standing. "And it's the reason I got into that school in the first place!"

"Taeko Yasuhiro!" Her mom shouted. Celeste daintily sat back down and crossed her arms.

I put my hand on her thigh under the table hoping to calm her down. She took it and squeezed it.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice," Celeste stated. We all continued eating awkwardly.

"So," I said. "I've heard Stella's pretty smart."

"Ah, yes!" Celeste's mom clapped. That was a good idea, right? Change the subject to something they enjoyed?

"She's at the top of her class," her dad said.

"What do you want to be when you're older?" I asked Stella.

"I-" She started, before being interrupted by her mom.

"She's probably going to be a doctor, or something like that, right sweetie?" Their mom smiled. Stella just nodded, looking back at her phone.

After dinner, we were all excused, and Celeste dragged me back to our rooms.

"Jesus, that was awkward," Celeste laughed uncertainly.

"It was fine, you don't have to worry," I said, giving her a kiss. She sighed and flopped onto her bed. I laid down next to her and stroked her hair.

"Thank you for always being here," Celeste said. "It means so much to me you know."

"Same to you," I said, smiling.

Celeste and I both sat up after hearing a knock on the door.

"Come in," Celeste sighed. We were surprised to see Stella walk in.

"Oh," Celeste said. "Hello, Stella."

"Hi," she said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Do you need something?" Celeste asked. She has told me that she'd always been jealous of her sister when they were younger because she got more attention.

"Um, I don't really know," Stella said. "I guess I just wanted to talk?"

"Oh, alright," Celeste looked confused. "Did something happen?"

"No," Stella said. "Not more than usual."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"I just wanted to say that when I'm older I want to be an artist, not a doctor." Stella sighed. "Mom is just unfair."

"You think?" Celeste scoffed. "That's why I became a criminal."

"But I know they'd be disappointed if I told them the truth," Stella said. "I'd much rather study art and stuff."

"Are you any good?" I asked.

"Ooh, I'll show you!" Stella said excitedly as she ran out of the room. Celeste and I just looked at each other.

"Here's my sketchbook," she said, passing it over. "They're obviously just sketches though."

"Aw, Stella, you should tell them," Celeste said. "You can't get worse than me."

"We'll see," Stella said as she left.

also i didn't really proofread this sorry😣

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