Chapter 18

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Finally, we were in our last year of high school. Soon enough we would finally be able to move out and start our real lives. It's been great while we've been here, and I'll miss my friends a lot, but I want more.

One morning I woke up, obviously expecting Celeste to be there. She wasn't. I figured she was probably getting breakfast then. I got up and decided to take a shower. When I got out and dried off, I was still expecting her to be there.

"Celeste?" I called from the bathroom. There was no answer. I took out my phone and texted her, asking her where she was.

At this point, I was getting kind of worried. She normally wouldn't leave without telling me, unless she knew she'd be quick.

I waited, anxiously watching tv in bed. After about a half-hour with no text, I decided I had to do something. I got up and put my jacket on, heading out and locking the door. I accidentally kicked something as I stepped out. I picked it up and realized it was a wallet. I opened it, hoping for an ID, and I got one. Steve Crolly. Noted.

I walked down the hall to knock on Hina's door, thinking she could know something.

"Kyoko?" Hina asked as she stepped into the hall. "What's wrong?"

"Have you seen Celeste?" I asked, glancing around.

"When Sakura and I were getting breakfast we said hi to her in the hall," Hina said, looking worried. "Why?"

"Oh, I just don't know where she is," I tried to say nonchalantly. "She won't answer her phone."

"Oh," Hina said. "She should've been back based on the time we saw her..."

"Oh well," Kyoko said. "Thanks for the help."

"No problem," Hina said. "I hope you find her."

"Thanks," I said as she went back inside. I decided to head to the cafeteria. I checked in some rooms on the way. When I almost got to the cafeteria, I noticed something shiny on the ground.

"What the hell..." As I got closer I realized: it was Celeste's ring. Why would this be here? This was starting to seem suspicious.

I checked my phone, still no messages. I went to the library and looked up the name on the ID I found, Steve Crolly.

Steve Crolly was the leader of an illegal underground gambling gang known for scamming and violence. It was broken up years ago by the police but some are suspicious of recent activities. The organization was called Underground Gambling, aka UDG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), and they may have been meeting up. Though, there isn't much evidence of this claim.

Hmm. I looked deeper. I searched up the name Celestia Ludenberg.

Celestia Ludenberg is a famous gambler. She is known to win every match she plays, and she uses trickery to make her opponents bet a lot of money for her to take. She is known as the Ultimate Gambler at Hope's Peak Academy.

Next, I looked up Celestia Ludenberg UDG

Celestia Ludenberg was banned from the UDG organization when she scammed the leader Steve Crolly. He didn't like the idea of someone more powerful than him in the group and kicked her out. It is said that he still has it out for her today.

I knew these two had to be connected. Why else would Crolly's wallet be here and Celeste missing? I was determined to crack this mystery.

Back in my room, I got out my briefcase for the first time in what felt like forever. I hadn't been called for much detective work with school and all, so all of my supplies were stored in my trusty old briefcase. I dusted it off and smoothed out my clothes and walked out of the school like the badass I am.

First, I needed to find out where the UDG even was. I decided to head to the police station first.

When I arrived, I went up to the front desk.

"Hello, how can we help you?" Asked a receptionist.

"I need to see the files on the UDG," I demanded.

"We can't just let anyone into our files young lady," the receptionist said, looking down her nose through her tiny glasses at me.

"I don't know if you know who I am, but I have a right to see those files," I countered.

"Then who do you claim to be?" Asked the receptionist.

"I am Kyoko Kirigiri, the Ultimate Detective," I stated forcefully, flashing my badge. "My grandfather is one of the greatest detectives in the world. I'm trying to solve a case and I need those files."

The receptionist did some typing on her computer before scowling at me.

"Alright, it says you may proceed," she grumbled. "Please take off all metal and go through the metal detector."

I did as asked and finally I could go to the big room where the files were.

All along the walls as high as the tall ceiling were file cabinets filled to bursting with folders and papers. After a couple minutes of searching, I found the cabinet with UDG information. I read some things for a while until I found location information.

Downtown in a hallway off of the subway station.

There were exact coordinates, so I took a picture. I found some other names and addresses just to be safe. Finally I got all of the information I need and went off on my mission.

Idk What to Name This - CelesgiriOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant