Chapter 5

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tw: sexual abuse
sorry that there's so many triggers😳

Kyoko's POV

I still don't know exactly how I feel. I just have no other feelings to go off of. I know I like her, but I've never really thought about dating. I'd like to try.

Celeste asked me out on a date earlier. I said yes. It was today, and I had to get ready. I wore a purple skirt and shirt and braided my hair. I took a deep breath as I left my dorm.

We met outside. I didn't know what the date was going to be. She said it was going to be a surprise.

"Hello," Celeste said, smiling. Her hair was down idfk pretend she has extensions or something and she was wearing a simpler dress, but still very fancy.

"You look nice," I said. She is very pretty.

"Thank you!" She replied. "You as well."

We started walking to a park.

"So what's the surprise?" I couldn't deny that I was wondering.

Celeste smiled. "That's the point of a surprise." She's been using less of an accent lately, and I think her normal voice is beautiful.

She grabbed my hand and sped up to a blanket under a tree with a picnic basket on it.

"Have a seat," Celeste said, gesturing at the blanket. She held my hand as I sat, and she did as well.

"This is a pretty spot," I observed. The sun was shining through the leaves onto the flowery grass. She got the food out and we talked and laughed, sharing our stories. It got late and the stars came out. Celeste stood and took my hand, walking me to a clearing in the forest. We laid down in the grass and looked at the stars.

"Look, there's the big dipper," Celeste pointed out. I turned my head to look at her, and she met my gaze and smiled. My heart swelled. I've never felt like this before. Cue Honey Honey

Finally, she walked me back to my dorm. She took my hands in hers and looked me in the eyes.

"Kyoko, can I kiss you?"

I nodded, blushing.

Celeste leaned in and kissed me quickly and softly. We both blushed and I waved as I went into my room.


Celeste's POV

I flopped onto my bed, squealing. I feel like a child! I haven't gotten to act this way in so long, like my true self. We kissed! Kyoko is drop-dead gorgeous. I need to stop dropping my guard so much though, especially with school tomorrow.


The next day, I went to all my classes like normal before meeting up with Kyoko.

"Good day," I greeted, my accent back.

"Hello," Kyoko replied. For some reason, she seemed kind of down.

I took her to an empty corridor.

"Are you alright?" I asked. Kyoko kind of shrugged, her arms tight around her. "You can tell me," I continued.

"Byakuya was just being a prick like always," Kyoko sighed.

byakuya slander😍

"What did he say this time," I said, teeth gritted. He infuriated me.

"I think he saw us at the park. He called me a fag." I gasped.

"As if he's not one!" I exclaimed. "I've seen how he and Makoto look at each other."

"Celeste," Kyoko said quietly. I kept on muttering about stupid rich boys until Kyoko repeated herself.


I looked up. She barely uses my full name. "Yes?"

"He touched me."

again this book is pretty ooc so😭

"What?" I said, seething with anger. What did she mean by that? I am going to rip him apart, limb by limb. "What did he do?"

"He tried touching my... I finally got him off of me by kneeing him in the balls."

"Kyoko, you should report this," I said, pacing back and forth. "It's against the rules!"

I again kept muttering and pacing until Kyoko grabbed my shoulders.

"Calm down. I told a teacher and she said she'll look into it." After saying that, Kyoko wrapped her arms around me. Kyoko was never this affectionate.

"I-I just," a tear dripped down her cheek, her face buried in my shoulder. "I didn't like it."

"Of course you didn't, dear," I comforted, hugging her back. "Would you like to come to my room tonight?"

Kyoko composed herself and put her hard shell back on. "Sure," she said. "If that's what you'd like."

We held hands on our way to my room and Kyoko sat on my bed as I put my bag away.

"What do you want to do?" I asked. We didn't really have anything to study for or anything else to do.

"Want to watch a movie?" She asked.

"Sure, what did you have in mind?"


We were sitting together on my bed watching Scream, Kyoko's choice.

I am not too fond of movies in general, but I have seen this one, a while ago. Kyoko seemed to like it a lot, explaining all of the little mystery and detective parts.

By the end, Kyoko was asleep next to me. I decided to not wake her, and I got up to turn the movie off and change. I gently tucked Kyoko in and got in as well after turning off the lights.

She had shifted and was facing me, which was towards a window, and her face looked so peaceful in the moonlight. I touched her cheek and pulled her close.

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