Chapter 19 Ⅰ

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 "David, would you stop fussing with that thing and come over here?"

I sighed, dropping my hands from my bowtie and turning towards my drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend. She was wearing a long, form-fitting red dress that matched my red jacket and I could hardly control myself whenever I looked at her. The only thing keeping my emotions in check was the amount of nerves bouncing around my body making me incapable of holding still for more than thirty seconds.

"What are you so worried about?" Angel teased, straightening my collar and placing a peck on my cheek. She swiped her thumb over the hint of lipstick she'd left as she continued, "It's just your voice in the movie, no one is going to see you."

"I know, I know... It's just, this was such a huge opportunity for me... What if I messed it up?"

"I think they would've called you back to redo lines if anything was off, Charming," she rationalized, brushing off my sleeve. "I'm sure you'll sound great."

I gulped down my premonitions and nodded, forcing my wandering eyes to meet her gaze. Her sparkling blue eyes contrasted her fiery dress perfectly, demanding attention despite her curves which she flaunted so effortlessly. A smile whispered across my lips and I murmured, "You are the most amazing woman on this earth."

She rolled her eyes, looking up at me through her long lashes. "Don't try to butter me up now," she teased, her glittery nails brushing against my skin as she took my hand. "We've got a limo to catch."

I allowed her to drag me outside, my heart still pounding as we slid into the backseat of the black stretch sitting outside of my house. Angel was chattering excitedly about all the gadgets and free goodies in the car as we drove along but all I could do was nod and hum in half-hearted agreement as I stared out the window. She didn't seem to mind at first but when she realized she wasn't making any progress on improving my mood, she reached over and settled my bouncing leg, asking gently, "You okay?"

I sighed, about to nod again but then reconsidered, knowing she wouldn't believe me. "I don't know why I'm so nervous..." I muttered, looking down at my lap. "I'm able to make a total fool of myself in front of millions of people on YouTube, why should this be any different?"

She considered for a moment, tapping her fingers on my knee. "I'm not sure... maybe because you've always considered YouTube a hobby and this feels more like a career opportunity?"

I mused over that for a bit, wondering if maybe she could be right. She had a point about me never really treating YouTube like a job, I just always saw it as something fun that happened to make me a lot of money. Maybe I was so anxious because deep down I knew that Squid wouldn't last forever and that when it eventually faded, what would I be able to do instead? I needed security beyond the lifespan of my channel, needed to know that I could support Angel and our life together, our family...

My gaze washed over her as those words trickled through my thoughts, tears suddenly gathering in my eyes as I studied her caring expression. I could see the ocean of possibilities our future held spanning out in the depths of her eyes. She had already gone through so much hardship... I didn't want her to have to experience that ever again. I had to be her rock, to support her in every way that I could and I was finally starting to realize that my current trajectory wasn't going to last forever. This movie, this amazing opportunity had to lead to something sustainable. It just had to.

"Or," she continued with a shrug, "maybe you're just anxious about being in front of a bunch of cameras in a monkey suit." She shot me a smirk and I was amazed at how that one little gesture was able to make my worried thoughts fly away like nothing.

I smiled and joked, "Yeah, that's probably it."

I expected her to chuckle and continue teasing me, but instead she turned to the window, her face barely visible in the glass' reflection. "I mean, we know it's not because you're nervous to be seen with me or anything..." She paused, her voice dipping as she whispered, "Right?"

It took my brain a full thirty seconds to compute what she'd just suggested, my expression a mess of puzzle pieces as I asked softly, "What? Princess, why would you even think something like that?" I scooted closer to her, cupping her hand in both of mine. "That thought has never once crossed my mind, why would you think I'm embarrassed to be with you?"

She sighed, her hand limp in my grasp. "I don't know... I mean, aren't you worried about what they're gonna say when they see us holding hands, acting the way we do?"

I had no idea where this was coming from, I mean she hadn't shown a single nerve about the movie but she was anxious about this? About being seen with me? "Well, they'll probably ask if we're together, yeah, but... why is that such a bad thing?"

She huffed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Because this isn't the internet, David. We can't just ignore the judgement here, we have to stand there and watch them gawk at us because I'm 'so' much younger than you." She turned her head away from the window just enough for me to see the sad shimmer beneath her eyes. "You weren't there when the world found out about us... you didn't see how disgusted they were. I don't know if I can take that face to face..."

My heart ached as I imagined all those horrible memories flooding back to her, that dark time when I was locked up and she had to defend us to the world all on her own.

"Angel... I-"

"We've arrived, sir," came the driver's voice from the small speaker in front of us.

My gaze leapt outside, my stomach twisting as I saw the dozens of camera flashes lighting up the walkway. "Just a minute, please," I said quickly to the speaker, hoping he could hear my response.

Angel shook her head, setting her hand on the door. "It's okay, David. It was nothing, just nerves."

I grabbed the handle before she could open it and tried to meet her averted gaze, sending my heart out to her. "Princess, please look at me..."

She hesitantly lifted her eyes from her lap, any trace of tears already pushed away.

"Angel, I promise, no one is going to judge you or think you're too young or anything else you're worried about. All they are going to see a beautiful woman standing next to an unworthy man who loves her with all his heart..." Her lip slipped between her teeth, her gaze uncertain. I set my hand on her cheek, giving her the most reassuring smile I could muster as I whispered, "I believe in us. Do you?"

Her eyes softened and she slipped her delicate arms around me, pulling me into her embrace. "Of course I do, Charming... It's just other people I worry about..."

I gently kissed her temple and murmured, "Just keep your eyes on me and we'll get through this together, alright?"

She turned her face to me, searching my eyes for the strength I hoped I would always be able to give her. She smiled, her sparkling teeth peeking out as she whispered, "Okay..."

The door on my side of the car was suddenly pulled open and I jumped in surprise, looking out to the red carpet spread out before us.

I cast one last glance back to my other half, smiling brightly as I saw the newfound determination in her posture. I offered her my hand, my worries evaporating as I asked, "Are you ready?"

Too Good To Be True?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें