Chapter 13

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Ding dong! Ding dong ding dong ding dong diiiiiiiinnnggggg ddoooonnngggggg!

I laughed as I came up the stairs, yelling, "I'm coming! Would you shut up already?"


I shook my head and opened the door with an amused smile, saying, "Alright Cam, what's the big surp-?" but I stopped as I noticed he wasn't alone. "Oh. Hello."

The brunette girl next to him smiled at me, looking just like she had in the prom pictures I'd been studying for the last few weeks. "Hi, Angel."

Cam gazed at her fondly and it was then that I noticed they were holding hands. "Angel, this is Meg."

"I know..." I said apprehensively. Of course I recognized her from the pictures, but she had also reached out to me before and we'd texted a few times. This was my first time seeing in her person since the accident, though.

"I hope you don't mind," Cam said, somewhat sheepishly. "I just thought having her here might help. The three of us did spend a lot of time together."

Meg nodded, the sweet smile never leaving her lips. "It's so good to see you again."

I gave a curt nod, unsure of what to say. I stepped aside to let them in and we all went downstairs, Cam sitting between the two of us, their hands never disconnecting from each other.

"Cam told me you were making videos again," Meg said excitedly. "I watched a few, they're really great. It's like nothing even happened."

I laughed, but it sounded like a flower that was wilting. I was trying to be friendly to her, but honestly, I had been looking forward to just spending time with Cam. "Yeah... It sure seems that way, doesn't it..."

"So, what all do you remember?" she asked innocently.

A thousand images flashed before my eyes and I rubbed my temple, forcing another laugh. "Well, uh... it's a little hard to explain."

She nodded, completely oblivious to everything that was going on. "Alright, I get that."

Cam was watching me curiously throughout this exchange and, as always, was the farthest from oblivious as you could get. I had no idea why, but the two of us just understood each other. We could practically read each other's minds, but he was admittedly much better at it than me, at least in this state.

"What do you girls say we play a game while we wait for the second half of your surprise to show up?"

I raised a brow at him. "What do you mean 'second half'?"

He grinned back at me. "You know I never tell."

I rolled my eyes but agreed to play a game, wanting any excuse to end the awkward conversation with Meg. Well, awkward for me.

After a few rounds of cards (which Cam definitely cheated at, though I'm not sure how he managed to cheat at Go Fish), the doorbell rang and I looked back at the stairs, confused.

"Who's that?" I asked, scowling when I saw the smirk on his face.

"Well, why don't you go find out?"

I stood up with a huff, grumbling to myself as I climbed the stairs. I opened the door and barely caught a glimpse of bright pink hair before I was engulfed in an embrace.

"There's my sister from another mister!" she squealed, apparently not noticing that I was not hugging her back. "I missed you so much, girl!"

"Uh... I'm sorry, I..."

"Mindy!" Cam's voice scolded from behind me. "I told you to take it easy!" He pushed her away from me and she frowned at him.

"As annoying as ever, I see," she said, sticking her tongue out at him.

He rolled his eyes, but couldn't help chuckling. "As mature as ever, I see." He looked her over and shook his head. "What in the world did you do to your hair?"

She crossed her arms. "What, you got a problem with pink?"

He ignored the question. "How do you expect her to recognize you like this?" he asked, ruffling her cotton candy hair.

She swatted his hand away and defended, "Whataya mean? Of course she recognizes me!" She finally turned back to me with a smile, her neon green eyes looking right into mine. "You know who I am, right Angel?"

I studied her face for a minute, impressed by how natural her makeup looked. All of a sudden, her form flashed before my eyes, her pink curls replaced by blonde waves and a familiar smile on her lips.

"M... Mindy...?"

Her grin stretched to her ears and she hugged me again, but this time, I hugged back.

"Oh my god, Mindy!" I exclaimed, laughing joyfully.

"See! I knew you'd remember me! I always make an impression."

"You sure do, girl." I pulled away with a big smile, expecting to see Cam in shock, but he seemed as smug as ever. "What are you smirking at you big oaf?" I asked, poking his shoulder.

He shrugged. "I don't know why, but I was kind of expecting this to happen."

"You knew I'd remember her?" I asked, not sure if I should be confused or impressed.

He just continued to smirk and gestured his head toward the stairs. "Well, what are we waiting for? After you, ladies."

I rolled my eyes and went back downstairs, nearly being trampled by Meg who shot off the couch the moment she saw who was behind me.

"Mindy!" she squealed, pulling her into a hug.

Mindy laughed and squeezed her tightly. "Nice to see you too!"

The girls exchanged a rapid conversation, the topic moving from what they'd been up to since they last met to puppies to taxes and back again in the blink of an eye.

While I still had zero idea why I could remember Mindy but Meg was still on shaky ground, I couldn't help but smile at the sight. I felt Cam's hand on my shoulder and turned my smile to him, chuckling when he winked at me. I let him lead me to the couch and wrap his arm around my shoulders, his soothing voice easily slipping into the girls' conversation.

This was the first time I'd felt so at home since the accident and I was so grateful to have them all here. But for some reason, I still had this weird feeling in my gut... Somehow I knew that something was missing. Or maybe, someone.

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