Chapter 5

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"Mate, I'm so sorry..."

I sighed and flicked the piece of lint I'd been fiddling with into the garbage beside the bed. "I just don't know what to do, Ash. For one of the first times in my life, I have no idea what to do." I looked down at my lap sadly, the weight of my situation pressing in on me more and more each day.

"It'll get better soon," he said reassuringly. "When have you guys not been able to figure your way out of a problem? I mean you've been making a long distance relationship work for years now, a little thing like this won't stop you."

"It's not just some little thing, Ash," I said, tiredly getting off the hotel bed and walking to the window. The vibrant colors of summer stung my eyes as I stared out at the town, the happy-go-lucky vibe simply depressing me further. "Who knows how long this could go on for? Our relationship might never be the same again and it's all my fault!"

"David, for the last time, it is not your fault. Accidents happen, that's just the way life works. But I really don't think staying in that town is doing you any good. You need to come back home, let yourself, and Angel, have a bit of a breather. It might be just what she needs to get her memories back."

"How will she remember me if I leave? I need to just keep trying, I need to find something that will spark-"

An exclamation of, "Ash!" cut me off from the other side of the line and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Ash," the girl's voice continued excitedly, "you'll never believe what I just found! Look!" They suddenly stopped and their tone quieted when they said, "Oh, are you on the phone? Sorry..."

"It's okay," Ash told her. "It's Squid."


A little smirk came to my face as I realized it was Amy that he was talking to. I hadn't heard much, but from what I'd gathered from our friends, the two of them had been spending some time together since we all left the summer estate.

"Is he doing okay?" she asked softly, making my eyes close as if that would block out what they were saying.

"He's... been better," Ash replied after a hesitation. "I'll be done in a minute."

"Take your time."

There was a pause as she presumably left the room and then Ash said, "Sorry, that was... um..."

"Amy?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Uh, yeah, we... well, she was just..."

"It's okay, Ash. You don't have to tell me."

"Heh... thanks." He cleared his throat and got back to the matter at hand. "Well anyways, maybe just think about it? I really do think it would be good for you to come back. You could even crash at my place if you'd like."

"I'll think about it," I said, not having much interest in actually doing so, but I would consider it. "Thank you, for everything. I just... really needed someone to talk to I guess."

"Anytime mate. You know I'm always here for you."

"Yeah, I know."

"Keep me posted, alright? And don't keep beating yourself up over this, everything will be okay. I promise."

You can't promise that, I thought dejectedly. "Yeah, I'll let you know if anything changes... See ya."

"Bye David."

I set the phone on the windowsill and stared at my translucent reflection glaring back at me. You'll never get her back, it seemed to say to me. Her memories will never be the same and you'll die alone with a broken heart.

My hands clenched into fists and I tore my gaze away, fighting back the angry tears waiting to burst free.

"What am I going to do?" I asked the floor helplessly. "What could I possibly do?"

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