Chapter 4 Ⅱ

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I couldn't believe the lengths that this guy was going to in order to try and talk to me. I stared at him on the other side of my front door, this man named David who made me incredibly uncomfortable just by being near. I had no idea why he made me feel this way, but for some reason, seeing him just made my skin crawl.

He seemed fairly sincere, though. He did seem to think that he could help me somehow. For a split second I actually contemplated letting him talk to me, but then my common sense kicked back in and I shook my head, scolding myself for even considering it.

"Please leave me alone," I said quietly, double checking that the door was locked before turning around and starting to walk away.

"Angel, please!" he pleaded, his voice slightly warped from speaking through the door. I heard him sniffle and for a moment I felt bad for turning him away. "Princess, I need you..." he whispered, his voice like broken glass.

Princess? I thought, confused and slightly disgusted.

"Just leave me alone," I whispered, so quiet I wasn't sure if he could hear me, but I didn't care. I just needed him to go away. "Leave me alone..."

I scurried up the stairs to my room and shut the door, tears threatening to leak from my eyes. I was so scared, scared that my life would never be the way it was before. But I was also angry, mostly at myself for not being strong enough to return my own memories. Some of that anger, however, had turned on David. Whether he deserved it or not I really couldn't say, but my fears were twisting my thoughts in ways I didn't think possible. It felt like someone was manipulating my reality, messing with my thoughts just for fun, and I wasn't sure how long I could take it.

I can't keep doing this alone, I thought. But who will be able to help me? Who has the power to mend a broken girl?

I shook my head and sighed, simply incapable of expanding the thought further. I would find a way to fix this. I had to.

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