Chapter 10 Ⅱ

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"Thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one. Byyyeee!"

I let out a sigh as I clicked off the recording and slowly let my adrenaline dissipate, relaxing back into Ash's chair. However, I didn't get very far with my relaxing before I jolted up at the sound of banging on the door.


I threw up my arms as Ash burst in, not even bothering to try and tell him off since I knew it wouldn't do any good.

"Have you seen this?!" he asked, rushing over and shoving his phone in my face.

"Mate, what if I had been recording just th-?"

"Just look!" he insisted, plopping the phone in my hand.

I rolled my eyes and glanced down at the screen. I saw that he had Angel's YouTube channel open and before I could ask what kind of cruel joke he was trying to play, I saw what had him so excited. "Wait, is that...?"

He nodded vigorously, "Yes! A new video! She's recording again, mate. This is a great sign!"

I tried not to let myself get too excited, but my brain was already off and running. She remembered her YouTube channel... That had to mean more memories weren't far behind, especially ones linked with her career.

"Wha... What should I do?" I asked, giddy at the prospect of talking to her again but still nervous that she would be cold to me.

"You should reach out to her," Ash encouraged, seeing the spark in my eyes. "Ask if she wants to make a video with you or something."

"I don't know..." I said apprehensively. "I mean, wouldn't Amy have told me she was recording again if-?"

"Mate," Ash cut me off pointedly. "Stop giving yourself excuses. Just. Talk. To. Her."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Ash, weren't you the one who told me to give her some space until she decided she was ready?"

He waved it off, "Dunn know what you're talkin' about." He reached over and grabbed my phone off the desk, setting it in my hand. "Now, call her."


He held my gaze, determined. "Call. Her."

I sighed as he walked away and shut the door behind him, leaving me alone to ponder what he'd said.

I hadn't tried to get a hold of her since I'd arrived at Ash's, though I had stared at the call icon on her contact page countless times. Maybe now was the right time to reach out. Or, maybe it wasn't. Either way, all I knew was that I had to hear her beautiful voice again. I'd watched the videos I had of her on my phone over and over again, of course, along with the occasional YouTube video, but it just wasn't the same as hearing her live voice; hearing her reactions to me and actually having a conversation.

Well... I thought, my thumb hovering over the button that would dial her number all the way across the sea. Here goes nothing...

My palms started to sweat as the ringing drawled on, each one making my heart beat faster. I pressed down any negative thoughts, any worst-case scenarios that were banging at the front door of my mind, and just let my thoughts go silent. It was then that I realized the ringing had silenced as well.


Relief rushed over my body as I heard that gorgeous sound. She actually answered...

"Hey..." I breathed, unable to make the quavering smile on my lips dissipate. "Hey, An-" I stopped. Of course my instinct was to say Angel, but then it occurred to me that maybe if she thought of me as just a YouTube partner, it may be easier for her. So, I changed my train of thought to, "Elsie, hey, how's it going?"

"Uh... alright, I guess." She sounded extremely apprehensive, yet there was a hint of confidence in her tone which added fuel to my smile.

"That's great, good to hear. Hey, uh, the reason I called is 'cause, well, I saw you were making videos again."

"Yeah, my friend helped me remember... It just came back to me when I hit record. I don't really know how to explain it..."

I chuckled softly, completely content and forever grateful to Cam for helping her through this. "I understand. It's like you're in a totally different world when you're behind the camera."

"It is..."

I could tell she still wasn't totally on board with this conversation, but she sounded more and more comfortable as it went on and it gave me so much hope.

"So, uh... did you see the video?" she asked.

My heart stopped for a moment, slightly terrified. "Oh, um... No, not yet... But I saw that everyone's really happy you're back!" I didn't need to look at any comments to know that.

"Yeah, I couldn't really believe it... It's ridiculous how many people watch this stuff. How invested they get." She chuckled and I swear I almost started bawling from joy. I'd barely had the strength to get out of bed in the mornings, yet I still hadn't realized just how much I'd missed her.

"Can I make an observation?" I teased, feeling more and more at home.

She hesitated, but eventually said, "Sure...?"

My smile turned bittersweet, pain seeping into my gaze. "You don't sound like you hate me right now..."

There was a significant pause, filled only by my teeth gnawing my nervous lip.

"Well..." she finally started, but I didn't dare breathe yet. "I guess I'm just... in a good mood today."

My grin burst out in full force and I put my fist to my mouth, holding back the cries of success. "That's amazing, Angel..."

She didn't respond and I quickly realized my mistake, trying to correct myself. "Oh, I'm sorry, Elsie, I didn't mean to overs-"

"It's fine." 

It didn't sound like it was fine.

I felt awful for slipping up, but more so because she didn't find it acceptable for me to use her name. I was hardly an acquaintance in her eyes, someone she had been- no, was- afraid of. I felt like I was drowning, having once again slipped off the shred of debris I had managed to cling to for a tiny breath of air. One quick conversation... then it was over, and I was a danger again.

"I'm so sorry..." I murmured, trying to apologize for everything that had happened in these few weeks. "Truly..."

"I gotta go."


No goodbye... No anything.


That's what I was to her.

That's all I'd ever be...

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