Chapter 21

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I flopped down onto the couch with a huff, throwing my feet up on a stack of cardboard boxes. "Whew, who knew moving would be so exhausting?"

David set down a tote as he followed behind, chuckling as he scooted in next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Well maybe if someone didn't have so much stuff it wouldn't be so difficult," he teased, pressing his lips against my forehead and making tingles shoot down my spine.

I jokingly jabbed his side with my elbow, snuggling deeper into him. "Hey, I only brought the essentials, there could've been a whole lot more."

He raised his eyebrows in feigned surprise, asking, "Wait, so this wasn't your entire house?"

I laughed, slapping his arm. "Oh, shut up."

He smiled, gazing down at me with such sincerity and joy that I couldn't help but reciprocate it. "I can't believe this is really happening..." he murmured, his gaze wandering over the room and the boxes we had accumulated inside it. "It feels like just yesterday I was bringing you here for the first time, giving you a tour of the town, playing Minecraft with you..." He looked over his shoulder to the front door, his gaze softening as he whispered, "Reading the note you wrote me as I watched you walk away into the night..."

I blushed, looking down at his lap and lacing my fingers with his. "Or like our first anniversary... when we were sitting here, on this couch, and I told you I was ready for us to take the next step..."

His thumb lightly brushed against my palm, his smile shy as he murmured, "You remember that?"

I looked back up and met his sparkling blue eyes, still feeling the same butterflies as I'd had that night. "Of course I do. It was the most amazing night of my life."

His eyes watered slightly, the pride evident in his features. "Really?"

"Really." I shrugged, slightly teasing as I continued, "At least, as far as I can remember."

He shook his head with a chuckle, leaning forward and melting his lips into mine. He knew I was just teasing, it had been over a year since the accident after all and we were pretty sure all my memories had returned by now.

I sighed in content as I thought back to that night, how he'd swung me onto his lap, how his hands had explored every inch of me, lighting every fuse in my body for the most incredible fireworks display I'd ever experienced.

It had taken quite a bit of time after regaining my memories for me to be comfortable enough to really trust him in that way again, to allow myself to be fully intimate with him, but he was so understanding and incredibly patient, saying that he was willing to wait as long as I needed. After living together at my house for a while, I was finally able to let my guard down and allow that connection to rekindle and now we were right back on track, feeling closer than ever now that we knew our love could truly survive anything.

I pulled away from the kiss after a few moments, giving him one last smile before twisting my body to grab the TV remote on the table in front of us. "Mind if we just chill for a bit?"

"Not at all."

I put on the next episode of a show we had been watching together and we laid down, David's arm wrapped securely around my waist.

As we watched, I couldn't help but think of all the other memories we'd made in this house, all the good times along with all the bad. I couldn't even imagine what sort of feelings he must get from being here, having lived here with his ex for a few years before he met me, still living with her when we met. When we had talked about moving in together we had briefly discussed the possibility of getting a new place but I hadn't seen the point since he already had this amazing house. Now being here, however, I could understand why he may have felt apprehensive about coming back and I felt bad for shooting down the idea so quickly. He seemed happy while we were moving things in, though, so I was confident we could make it work, at least for now.

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