Chapter 2 Ⅰ

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"Dad, who was that man in my room when I woke up?"

He looked up from his phone and gave me a small, hesitant smile. I hadn't recognized him at first when they'd brought him into my room, but it didn't take long to remember him. They'd also brought in a woman who claimed she was my mom, but I was having trouble accepting it.

"You mean David?" he asked gently.

I sat up more in my hospital bed, using my good arm to adjust the pillow behind me. I tried to think back to yesterday and the short conversation I'd had with the man, but it was difficult. "Maybe? I don't remember what he said his name was. He looked crazy, though. Why was he in here? He scared me half to death!"

He sighed, "I'm sorry about that, honey. We had no way of knowing you would react that way."

"But who is he?" I demanded.

"I know this might be hard for you to believe right now, but... he's your boyfriend."

I laughed at the ridiculous notion. "Boyfriend?"

"We thought you'd be comforted having him be the first person you saw when you woke up," he continued, ignoring my protest. "He never left your side. He cares about you more than anything in the entire world."

"Why weren't you the first person I saw? Why did you leave me?" I accused him angrily, wishing everything would just make sense.

"Your mom and I came to visit you as often as we could, I swear. But we still had to work and get some proper rest. I stayed here the first night and mom took the next day off to stay with you."

"Why didn't the man have to go to work?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

He sighed, "David, Angel. His name is David. He lives in England and had taken the weekend off to come visit you for prom."

My heart sunk as that registered with me. "Prom? I... I went to prom already...?"

"Yes... it was the night of..." He bit his lip and shook his head, not needing to finish for me to know he was talking about the accident. "You'll remember it soon, don't worry. Do you want to see pictures? To try and jog your memory?"

"I suppose it couldn't hurt..." I muttered, so he got up out of his chair and sat on the edge of my bed, flicking through pictures on his phone.

I didn't recognize any of the people in them, not even myself when he pointed me out. I studied my long black dress, my fancy hair and sparkling blue eyes. It didn't look like me. I'd seen myself in the mirror in this room's little bathroom after I'd woken up and that girl in the picture didn't look anything like what I'd seen in the reflection. One thing I could tell though was that in every photo, my smile was fake. Something obviously wasn't right and it made me uncomfortable that I didn't know what it was that had been upsetting me. I mean, the fact that I couldn't recognize myself was bothersome too, but not as much for some reason.

In many of the pictures, there was a brunette girl in a navy blue dress with me, along with a handsome boy wearing a sharp tux, both always wearing matching smiles, bright and genuine every time.

My dad told me that they were my best friends Cam and Megan and judging by the way I seemed so comfortable and happy with them, I figured he was telling the truth, though I couldn't remember ever spending time with them.

"You said David came here to visit for prom," I said once he'd shown them all to me. "Why wasn't he in any of the pictures then?"

"He got there late if I understand correctly," he said, but I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or not.

"Did he go back home?" I asked hopefully.

He shook his head, "No, he's out in the waiting room."

My jaw dropped incredulously. "He still hasn't left?!"

He gently set his hands on mine to calm me down and unlike when David had touched me, there was no fiery pain, which I was grateful for. "He's going to be staying with us for a little while. He took more time off work so he co-"

"What?" I cut him off, unable to understand why we would let that crazy man in our house. "He can't stay with us!"

"It's only for a short time, honey. You'll remember him soon and be grateful that he-"

"No! No, I don't want him there! I don't want to see him again!"

"Calm down sweetheart, it's okay. If you don't want him there, he can stay somewhere else."

I nodded vigorously, but that immediately caused a headache from when I'd smacked my head in the accident, so I quickly stopped. "Yes please, make him stay elsewhere."

He stood up and stretched out his back, sighing. "Alright. I'll go talk to him."

"Thanks, Dad."

He looked back at me from the doorway and smiled. "No problem. We want your recovery to be as smooth as possible."

"Trust me, I do too."

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