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DISCLAIMER: This story is FICTIONAL. Some parts will be based on true events, but it will be mostly FICTIONAL!

• excuse any errors


"We are gathered here today to lay our princess to rest.  Today we are finally getting the comfort that we have been seeking. We would not be honest with ourselves if we said that our hearts have not ached over this mournful time. So many loved, respected, & looked up to her. Not only have we suffered the loss of a loved one, but we have also suffered the loss of such a beautiful soul. I know this has to be very hard for the family & I prayed, asking God to give you the strength to keep pushing through this tough time. It still pains me to this day to even think about this horrific situation. But we won't have to worry anymore. She's in a better place now & she will no longer suffer. Today is the day that we celebrate her life. Today is the day that we celebrate her achievements & all that she's done for the world. Today is the day that we pay our respects to the Queen, Karen Clark-Sheard."

Kierra recited the words that have pierced her ears for the past 8 years. A stray tear rolled down her cheek, as she reached for the Kleenex box beside her.

"It seems that you remember most or all of your mother's home-going eulogy. I find that many of my clients remember what is most traumatic, vividly. So, how does that make you feel, Kierra?" Her therapist, Dr. Baker spoke. She looked up from
her clipboard at Kierra.

"It hurts .. It truly hurts so bad. Those words replay in my mind all the time. It's like a broken record, I can't get it to stop playing. Sometimes, it feels as if I'm right back at the funeral service. It's like I'm stuck there,"

Kierra sighed & continued to speak, "My parents always taught me to never question God's work. But, I always find myself questioning why. Why would God take her so early? I needed my mother .. I still do,"

"Hmmm.." Dr. Baker glanced upon her clipboard. She filled in some lines, looking at Kierra in between writing.

"There are many stages of grief, Kierra," Dr. Baker stood, "It seems you have reached the bargaining stages,"

"This is often when you begin to question & try to make sense of why it happened. This can include questioning God,"

Kierra's face formed a puzzled expression, "So, this is normal.. Even after 8 years?"

"There's no time limit on grief. I'm glad you decided to come to see me because I believe we can get past this," Dr. Baker looked at the watch on her wrist.

"That's all of our time for today. Go home & try to reflect. Reflect on what bothers you the most about your mother's passing .. Not only that but anything in general. We will go a little more into depth in our next session," She spoke.

Kierra nodded, gathering her belongings, "Thank you so much, Dr. Baker. I feel like some of the weight has been lifted off of me,"

"No, thank you. It is important that you keep yourself sane & I will do my absolute best to help," Dr. Baker assured, pulling Kierra in for a hug.

"See you next week!" She exclaimed as Kierra opened the door. Kierra waved goodbye, closing the door behind her.

Kierra walked down to the lobby, where her father waited for her. She was a nervous wreck before her session, so he came along for support. They both silently walked to the car.

At first, the ride was very silent. John wanted to
speak but he didn't know what was on Kierra's mind. He knew how hard her mother's passing hit for her, & he thought she may not have been in the
mood to talk.

"Dad, it's okay.. You can talk," Kierra chuckled, looking over at her father.

He let out a small laugh, "How was it, Ki?" He asked, glancing at her slightly while trying to pay attention to the road.

"It was really good for my first session. I'm glad I went. I think it will help me," She spoke, fiddling with her necklace.

"If you like it, I love it. I'm so proud of you for making such a big decision," John stated, "Stepping up & admitting that you needed to get yourself help is a big step, Ki."

"Yeah, I know. I thought that since I'll be 18 soon, it's time to get it together. Ma wouldn't want me sitting around being miserable & unproductive," Kierra spoke, gazing out the window.

"That's what I love to hear. I know everybody's healing process is different, but I'm glad to see you making progress. But, don't overwhelm yourself.. If it becomes too much & too fast, let me know," John stated, getting a little protective.

One thing he didn't play about, was his kids.

"I will. I just need to go to the next sessions & see if this is really for me. God spoke to me & told me to get myself help.. I tried to push it off but now it's time. I miss Mommy dearly, but I have to grow," Kierra turned to her father.

He looked over at her & smiled, "Boy, your mother would be proud!"

Kierra didn't respond, all she could do was smile. Hearing those words was very motivating for her to continue with therapy. She wanted nothing more than to make her parents proud.

Her journey was about finding peace, hope, & discovering. She wanted to be so much better than

But, little did she know, it would soon come with much more than she had bargained for..


Let me know what you guys think so far ☺️.

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