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"He's Caine's little brother,"

Kierra chuckled at her mother's words, "Okay... But, what does that have to do with me?"

Karen closer her eyes & took a deep breath. However, that only allowed her anger to boil over.

"That son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill him!" Karen exclaimed, rising from her seat, "It's one thing to be out for me, but to come for my child? I'm not having it!"

"Mama, just calm down. I don't think that Sage knows I'm your daughter," Kierra spoke, softly.

"She's right, Karen. I don't think the boy is aware of who she is yet," Drew agreed with Kierra, trying to calm his wife down.

"Well it doesn't matter cause she's not talking to him ," Karen shrugged, crossing her arms.

"Why?" Kierra questioned, raising her voice a bit. Her eyebrows furrowed, looking at her mother.

"Because I said so. He's probably just like his brother, plotting & conniving," Karen spoke, "You never know what he may have up his sleeve,"

"Mama, you haven't even given me the chance to get to know him good," Kierra sighed, growing frustrated with her mother.

"Kierra, this is for your safety. It's plenty of other boys you can talk to, just not that one," Karen shrugged again, starting her way down the hall.

Kierra sucked her teeth & rolled her eyes, "Why do you have to do this?"

"I don't think you wanna do that, Ki," Dorinda whispered to her niece, shaking her head. She lightly patted Kierra's hand, signaling for Kierra to just be quiet.

Kierra rolled her eyes once more, ignoring her aunt,  "You come back taking over stuff. Now, I can't even talk to somebody I'm interested in because of you! This is your mess, not ours so you shouldn't punish us for your shit,"

"Kierra!" Drew exclaimed, shocked at her statement.  He knew his daughter had a mouth and attitude just like her mother. Meaning, it could be foul or bad sometimes, but he didn't expect her to be so disrespectful.

"No, cause it's the truth! You don't get to miss 8 years of my life & think you can just waltz in here like you own everything. That bullshit with Caine is your problem & you're not gonna steal kill my fun because of it," Kierra snapped, "If you stayed with daddy in the first place, you wouldn't have gotten involved with him. So, that's on you,"

"Shit!" Dorinda cursed under her breathe. She knew exactly where the situation would go.

"Uh oh-" Kinnsley mumbled, waiting for a reaction from her mother.

The room fell silent as Karen stopped in her tracks at Kierra's words. She turned around & before anybody could move, she was across the room again.

Feeling her temper rise, she grabbed Kierra by both ends of her shirt, jacking her up into the air.

"Let me tell you something, little girl! I did what I could to protect all of us. Yeah, I didn't make some of the best choices & I have to live with that. I know I'm not perfect! But, I did what I had to do as a mother & wife. I got us into this & I'm getting us out, but you will not disrespect me as if I haven't always done what I felt was best!" Karen exclaimed, looking Kierra in her eyes.

Kierra rolled her eyes. She reached towards the shoulder's of her shirt & shoved Karen's hands off, "Don't touch me,"

A bit surprised by her daughter's actions, Karen chuckled, "Kierra, I'm really telling you that you don't want to try this with me today. I said what I said & what I said is final. I'm doing what needs to be done to protect this family at all cost,"

"Ouuu, I can't stand you!" Kierra exclaimed, quickly storming past her mother. She stomped up the stairway & into her room, slamming her door.

Karen's eyes scanned the room before she bolted her way up the stairway too.

"Uh oh," Kinnsley sighed, nervous for her sister. She knew her sister could be a handful, but she also knew that, that handful was about to have her in deep trouble.

Drew & Dorinda shared a look before both running up the stairs behind Karen, "Karen, she doesn't mean it. She's just upset right now," Drew spoke, trying to vouch for Kierra.

"Yeah, Karen, she's just a little upset right now," Dorinda added on, hoping to help.

Karen ignored her sister & husband behind her, as she stopped in front of Kierra's door. She turned the door knob to find it locked. She began to bang on the door.

"Kierra, open this door," She calmly spoke, turning the door knob again.

"No, leave me alone!"

"Kierra, open this door. I'm not playing with you!" Karen raised her voice slightly.

She thought about knocking the door down, until she remembered where she placed backup keys for each room of the house. She stood on her tiptoe, reaching onto the top of the door frame to feel for the key. Grabbing the key, she swiftly unlocked Kierra's door & barged in.

"I'm not playing this game with you, Kierra," Karen spoke, walking towards Kierra with Dorinda & Drew behind her.

"Oh my Godddd! Get out!" Kierra screamed, throwing a pillow in the direction of them.

"Kierra, stop being this way! I'm only trying to help you out!" Karen exclaimed, growing frustrated once again.

"Stop pretending like you give a damn about me when you don't! You don't care about me, if you did you would've fucking stayed!" Kierra hollered at her mother.

Karen began to storm towards Kierra, but Dorinda caught her by her arm.

"ALRIGHT, THAT'S ENOUGH, DAMMIT!" Drew interjected, making them all be quiet, "I can't take anymore bickering between you two for today. This is ridiculous!"

"I'm just flat out disappointed in you," He spoke, pointing at Kierra, "How dare you sit up here & disrespect your mother like that? I understand you're upset, but all that cussing & stuff at her, won't fly with me,"

Dorinda just kept quiet, nodding in agreement.

"I will be scheduling a therapy session with Dr. Baker for the two of you because I don't know what to do for y'all. Y'all had the talk, but apparently that didn't hit the surface of the issue. I understand the irritation on both ends, but the constant disrespect has to go & a professional can help y'all much better than I can," Drew spoke, using a slightly stern tone.

"I agree with Drew. Y'all are mother & daughter, y'all shouldn't be at each other's neck like that. & Kierra, you damn sure shouldn't be talking to your mother that way," Dorinda added on, "Therapy is the best option right now because we still have other things to tackle & we need everybody on one accord,"

Karen simply nodded her head in agreement with her sister & husband. She was beyond frustrated. She knew she were to blame for some things, but she was gonna try her hardest to make everything right before it's too late.

Especially, between her & Kierra.

Let me know what you guys think!

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