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"So, Kierra, it's been a week? How's everything been going?" Dr. Baker asked, holding her clipboard.

"It's been very odd," Kierra stated, "I've been seeing what appears to be my mother,"

"How many times has this happened?"

"Twice. One night I spoke to her & The other day I saw someone that I thought was her in the mall,"

"The night you spoke to her. Tell me about that," Dr. Baker placed her clipboard on her small coffee table.

"I was up watching the Finally Karen tape & I dozed off. I woke up .. well, I felt like I woke up. &, she was sitting at the end of my bed," Kierra began to explain.

"We talked for a while & she left but when I woke up again, it felt like a dream," Kierra said, "But, she did say something that caught my attention,"

"What was it?" Dr. Baker asked.

"She said it hurt her so much to leave us. What could that mean?" Kierra asked, puzzled, "She also said something about how everything isn't what it seems & it will all make sense soon,"

Dr. Baker didn't speak. She gave Kierra a blank stare.

Kierra found it a bit odd but she didn't say anything.

"Well, it seems as if you are in the stage of vivid dreaming. This is often when our minds try to fill the void by creating vivid scenes from the imagination," Dr. Baker finally spoke.

"But, I hugged her & it felt so real-"

"It was just a dream, Kierra," Dr. Baker quickly cut her off.

"Well, how do I get rid of these dreams, fantasies .. or whatever they are?" Kierra asked dryly. She was becoming irritated.

Dr. Baker chuckled, "At the rate, you are going, I think you should wipe away any memory of your mother. Pictures, videos, or whatever else. Get rid of them,"

"Are you crazy? I'm not getting rid of my mother's things!" Kierra raised her voice.

"If you want to heal, you will do what I say. Simple,"

"What the hell does getting rid of my only memories of her have to do with healing?" Kierra raised her voice once again.

"Kierra, calm down," Dr. Baker chuckled.

"No, this is ridiculous. Everybody thinks I'm crazy, but I'm not," Kierra rose to her feet, "I know I said I would do anything for proper healing. But, I'll be damned if I get rid of what I have left of her,"


"No, I think that's enough for today," Kierra grabbed her belongings, making her way towards the door. She left the room, slamming the door behind her.

Kierra stormed outside to her father's truck. She got in slamming the door & crossed her arms.

"What's wrong, Ki?" John asked, concerned.

"Can we talk about it when we get home?"

"Sure," John replied, side-eyeing Kierra. He could tell something was up & he knew it was about the session.

They rode the short ride to their house in silence. Kierra was too upset to talk & John just didn't want to press the issue. If he had learned one thing, it was that Kierra had an attitude just like her mother's. & Karen's attitude was something else, literally.

All Hail The Queen Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ