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"Dr. Baker, Ms. Sheard is here to see you," Dr. Baker's assistant knocked at the door, as she let Kierra & Karen in.

Kierra & Dr. Baker exchanged their usual greeting. However, it was a bit awkward this time considering their last session.

Karen's eyes scanned the room as she looked over the comfy decor of the room. She felt that some of the decorative pieces reminded her of something, but she couldn't place her mind on exactly what.

Quickly, she snapped out of her thoughts & proceeded to introduce herself.

"Hi, I'm Karen," Karen smiled a bit, trying not to be awkward. She extended her hand for Dr. Baker to shake.

"I'm Dr. Baker, I've been working with Kierra these past few months," Dr. Baker spoke, returning the smile. She was surprised to say the least, considering that Kierra came to her for grievance counseling. But, she dared not to show it.

Karen couldn't help but to stare at Dr. Baker. She felt she looked very familiar, but she couldn't figure out where she knew her from. However, she shook the feeling off once again & took a seat next to Kierra.

"So, Mrs. Sheard, I have been under the impression that you were deceased," Dr. Baker chuckled, looking down at the binder that contained Kierra's information,

"Kierra & I have been working on her grieving process. However, Mr. Sheard tells me that things have been a bit rocky since your return?" She questioned, looking up at Karen.

Drew had spoken to Dr. Baker about the simple things. He told her that Karen faked her death & returned, not trying to give away too much. He too felt a little strange about Dr. Baker, but he believed that it was because therapy was a new thing for their family.

"Uh, well yes. Things have been a bit rocky. We haven't been seeing eye to eye," Karen spoke, answering the question carefully.

She felt something was off about this session. Although, the session had just begun, she didn't like the energy. She didn't know exactly what it was, but something didn't sit well within her spirit.

"Mhmm, I see. & why exactly haven't you seen eye to eye?"

Kierra glanced at her mother before answering, "I feel that I've lost so much time with her that I can't get back. I'm glad that she's back, but I don't know how to express it now," She answered, honestly.

Karen slightly nodded her head as she listened to Kierra. She understood that the time did damage that she probably wouldn't be able to repair.

"I don't want to be mad at her, but I wish we could have had all that time together. I wish she was there for those moments when I needed her," Kierra felt herself grow emotional, "The part that hurts the most is that I had to go so long, believing that she was dead. I want to let her in, but these thoughts always rush my mind. I always wonder if she was just out living, while her kids thought she was dead," She finished, grabbing a tissue to wipe her tears.

Karen felt hot tears sitting at the brim of her eyes. She knew some feelings would be hurt upon her return, but she didn't think Kierra would think like this. It tore her up inside to know she felt that way, but she knew had to take accountability on her end.

"Well Kierra, you have every right to feel the way that you do. You believed your mother was death & endured the pain of grief, just for to be alive & well. That can be just as damaging as accepting death," Dr. Baker spoke, jotting down things in her binder.

Karen tried her best to pay attention but she continued to watch Dr. Baker. Everything was just so familiar, it kept bothering her. She knew that she knew her, but it was like her mind was blocking the memory of how she knew her.

"Mrs. Sheard, how does it make you feel knowing that your daughter feels this way?"

Karen took a breath, "As you said, she has every right to feel the way she does so I can't really blame her. But, I want to also make it clear that I wasn't just out here living, while they hurt," She explained.

Dr. Baker glanced up at Karen, "Now, I want you to turn & express that to Kierra,"

Karen followed instructions, turning to face Kierra. She grabbed Kierra's had & made eye contact with her.

"Ki, I promise you I wasn't just out in the world living & doing whatever I pleased. Nothing I told you was a lie. I was wrong for leading y'all to believe that I was dead, but I felt that was the best way to go about things in that situation. I understand how you feel & why you feel that way, but I really want to make things right for us," Karen spoke, hopefully.

Kierra nodded her head in understanding. Yes, she was still upset with the way things worked out. However, she still understood that her mother sacrificed for them.

"I want to make things right too, mommy. I'm so sorry for the way I talked to you. It was highly disrespectful & I shouldn't have acted that way, no
matter how upset I was," Kierra wiped her tears as she apologized.

"It's alright, Ki. I could've been a lot more understanding too," Karen accepted her apology & embraced her into a hug, "I just want to move past this & work on a better relationship with you,"

Dr. Baker smiled at the both of them, "I believe that the both of you can get to the point of a better relationship. You all just have to work on communicating, especially when you're emotional,"

Karen & Kierra both nodded in agreement. They both knew that they each had trouble conveying their feelings whenever they were upset. They both needed work, but they were willing to do it.

"Now, I'll have a few more check in visits to see the progress in you all's relationship. I will always just be a call away if there's anymore bumps in the road along the way," Dr. Baker spoke, "On top of that, I will continue to meet with Kierra personally. I can do the same with you if you'd like, Mrs. Sheard,"

"Yes, that would help me out a lot," Karen responded, accepting her offer.

"Alright. Our session for today is concluded. I'm very proud of you too for communicating things a bit clearer today," Dr. Baker smiled, rising from her desk.

"Thank you," Kierra & Karen replied in unison. They both grabbed their belongings & headed for the door. However, Dr. Baker stopped Karen on their way out.

Dr. Baker smiled at Karen, "Mrs. Sheard, are you sure there's not more to your story?"

Karen's eyes furrowed, "What do you mean?"

"Are you sure this is just not a basic case of a mother abandoning her children & having a change of heart?" She questioned, making Karen look at her crazy.

"Or maybe you were running from something, hm?" Dr. Baker's smile dropped. She cleared her throat & forced the smile back onto her face. She began to write on a sheet of paper.

"Here's the information we need back to have you as a patient. I'll be looking for toward our next session, K" Dr. Baker spoke, placing the piece of paper into Karen's hand.

"Uh, see you later," Karen forced a small smile, still trying not to be awkward. Her smile quickly dropped as she made it outside of the office door.

She was a bit upset. Who did this lady think she was to accuse her of abandoning her children purposefully? She couldn't be too mad at the second question because the truth was, she was running from the something. She was running from him.

But, it also sparked curiosity within her. How would Dr. Baker know that she was running from something?


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