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"The safest place in the whole wide
world," Karen's voice blared through the television speakers.

Kierra was up late once again, watching her mother perform. She often found herself facing insomnia. She stumbled upon the Finally Karen tape & decided to watch that for the night.

Watching her younger self sing with her mother brought her to tears. This held a soft spot within her because Karen passed shortly after Finally Karen. Kierra was only 10 at the time.

"Man, I miss her so much," She spoke to herself, wiping her tears. She sighed, getting comfortable in her bed. Soon, she drifted off to sleep.

"Kiiiiii!" A voice whispered in her ear. Kierra ignored it, turning on her other side.


"Leave me alone, Kinnsley," Kierra growled, thinking it was her younger sister.

"Kierra Valencia Sheard, you hear me calling you. Turn around!" Kiarra's eyes shot open at the familiar voice.

She turned around & looked over. Not believing her eyes, she wiped them & looked again. Still not believing it, she quickly sat up & turned on her bedside lamp.

Her mother was sitting on the edge of her bed, smiling at her.

"What the hell," Kierra whispered. She felt a pop on her arm.

"Watch your mouth, little girl,"

Kierra screamed, "Listen, I don't know what or who you are. But, I don't even play like that,"

Karen chuckled, "Kierra, it's me,"

"No, it's not. My mother is dead & she's been dead for 8 years now," Kierra said, rising from her bed, "Is this a joke? You some type of evil spirit, aren't you?"

Karen sighed, "Kierra, no. It's me, I'm your mother. Just listen to me,"

Kierra rolled her eyes & took a seat next to her, "Get to talking,"

Karen gave her the side-eye, "Watch it, little girl, I'm still your mother. I'll still whoop you,"


"Now, listen," Karen faced Kierra, taking her hands in hers," I've been seeing what you've been doing & I'm so proud of you,"

"So proud of you & I want you to get pushing. Remember everything I taught you & apply that. Listen to God. Follow him & his word. If you feel unsure pray, always,"

"But, mommy it's hard down here without you. Everything has been feeling so out of place without you," Kierra sighed.

"& that's okay, baby. You have to grow & learn to be alright without me. You still have your father, siblings, aunties. Yes, I understand how tough it is without a mother. But, you have all the strength you need within you .. You just have to trust yourself," Karen reassured.

"It hurts me so much that I left you all-"

"Ma, what you do mean?" Kierra spoke, confused.

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