The Night it all Went Wrong

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It was a blustery night in Godric's Hollow. Somewhere in a house under the Fidelius Charm, one Lily Evans Potter and her husband, James Fleamont Potter, had just finished settling in after having returned from a impromptu Order of the Phoenix meeting. 

          "Shall I bring hot chocolate or butterbeer, darling?" came James Potter's voice from the kitchen of said cottage. 

          "Butterbeer, please."

Upon getting a noise of approval, Lily Potter smiled and leaned back in her seat. Taking a worn photograph from the bureau in front of her, she let a warm feeling rush over her. The photo had been taken a day after her wonderful twin boys had been born. Harry James and Alex Remus Potter. She knew James was going to name Alex Alex Sirius Potter, but soon realized that it was impossible without tarnishing his son's name. Why? Well, a few weeks before Lily gave birth, Sirius Black had been sentenced to life in Azkaban under suspicion of being a Death Eater and a spy. Honestly! Bartemius Crouch Snr. and his obession with handing life sentences to people nowadays! She and James both secretly believed that James's old school friend was innocent. Once this war was over, she was confident that Dumbledore would make sure to get Sirius out. 

And the war was to end soon. On the night of the birth of Harry James and Alex Remus Potter as well as Neville Longbottom, Dumbledore had told the Potters and the Longbottoms to go into hiding. He had found out a few months prior that there had been a prophecy that spoke of a boy born "as the seventh month dies" who would vanquish the Dark Lord. Dumbledore believed that said Dark Lord would go after one of the children and "mark him as his equal." 

Lily sighed. She knew that it was quite probable that one of her children was the Boy-Who-Lived. After all, she had two sons while her good friend Alice Longbottom (née Fortescue) and Frank Longbottom only had one. 

Her hand trailed over the photograph yet again. James hadn't had time to change and was therefore still in his Auror's robes. She almost laughed aloud as she remembered how self-conscious he had been. She herself was still in bed, exhausted from the births. Finally, her eyes slid to her twins. The elder had her fiery red hair and James's hazel eyes. Already, he was exhibiting signs of being James's little boy. However, the youngest was the one who had her contemplating for quite a while. His eyes were a darker shade of emerald green-might she dare say jade green? Yet they held an unfathomable amount of knowledge. He had James's raven black hair but the silky locks had a texture not so different from Lily's own. He had proven himself to be a bookworm-much like her in her younger days. He and Alex never failed to make her smile. 

Her happiness was short-lived. But she was blissfully oblivious.

Outside, a cloaked a hooded figure stood, wind whipping his shroud as he stood ominously in front of the house. Two Crucio red eyes opened and a sinister grin swept the figure's shadowed face. He lifted his hand and muttered the address his spy had given him. The traitor, Peter Pettigrew, would be rewarded. Chuckling to himself, he stepped back to watch as the cottage pushed itself into view. 


In the bedroom on the second floor, a large crib was to be seen. Inside, wrapped in separate blankets, were two baby boys. The one with bright red hair was in a deep slumber. One could see the chubbiness of the youthful face that peeked out from the blankets. On the other side of the crib, another boy blinked owlishly at the ceiling. His eyes were jade green and the depth in them was unnerving. A few moments before the impending incident, Harry Potter's eyes snapped open and a strong sense of foreboding overcame him. Eyes flicking to his brother, he tried futilely to get out of the tightly wrapped blanket.  

To no effect. 


James had just set down Lily's butterbeer when all the lights in the house blacked out. A few tantalizing seconds later, the door splintered and was torn down by a powerful Bombarda Maxima. That's all it took for the screaming to begin. 

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