Another Test

117 11 2

Sorry for not updating I got a concussion and have not been able to write. Updates might be slower. Sorry.


"Nothings happening," Edward said.

Henrik spun in his office chair. "Ja."

"Could you uncuff me?" Edward asked and tugged at the handcuffs holding him to the operating table.


Edward groaned. "Henrik it's been an hour."

Henrik sighed. "I believe that it is because it is Antis blood. If ve vanted to make an evil you'd have to get Darks blood."

Edward grimaced. "No thanks."

"Ja und I have forgotten most of my process."

"Good I don't want you making anymore," Edward said with a chuckle

Henrik got off the chair and stubbled a little. "Henrik?" Edward asked and tugged at his restraints.

"Sorry just tired," Henrik muttered, walking over and uncuffing Edward.

Edward sat up and rubbed his wrists. "So what are you going to do?"

"Can we just rest?"

"Henrik, we are doctors with a new discovery. This is amazing. Like you said we need to test it."

Henrik nodded. "Vell ve could test it on me again."

Edward grabbed Henrik's hand "No. Not that. Anything but that."


"No 'my life in the name of science' bullshit."

Henrik lowered his head. "Ja."

"What about the other septiceyes?"

Henrik glared at the other doctor. "Ve are not putting zhem in danger."

"They would understand it."

"You vill not touch Marvin or Jackie. Ve don't know vhat possession does to zhem."

Edward nodded slowly. "What about Chase?"

"No, absolutely not," Henrik said and walked away from Edward. He grabbed his notebook and sat back in his chair. Edward stretched and sat up so he could see Henriks face.

"Why not?"

"He is highly unstable. If he gets possessed I fear he vill not hurt anyone but himself."

"You're right Google and Bing would kill me if I did anything to him."

Henrik laughed softly. "I vould rather not anger zhose two."

"Loyal boyfriends though." Edward pointed out.

Henrik hummed and looked away. "Jealous?"


Edward shrugged. "They got a nice relationship. It's natural to want some kind of companionship." he said and hopped of the table.

"I have you." Henrik said, looking almost hurt.

"Maybe a romantic partner?" Edward said in a teasing tone and walked towrds Henrik.

Henrik looked at the ground. "Shut your mouth Iplier."

Edward took a step back. It had been so long since Henrik had only used his last name. Back when they were shouting at each other whenever they crossed paths. Back when Dark had to talk to them because they had shouting matches in the hallway. "Sorry."

"I do like someone but I am afraid zhey don't like me back. I vould rather not go zhrough zhe heartbreak again."

Edward froze. He had forgotten the ex-wife. "Oh, Henrik I'm really sorry."

"It is fine. I vill be fine."

They sat in silence. Something that was becoming far too common. "What about JJ?"

"Vhat about him?"

"Would he be a good test subject?"

Henrik thought for a moment. "JJ vould vant to help. Ve know what happens when he gets possessed. For zhe most part."

"For the most part?"

"Vell he isn't possessed when he is a puppet. Common misconception. Anti has possessed him before and ve found him staring out the window."

"So he's not a threat."

Henrik looked away when Edward grabbed his hand. "I don't believe so."

"So," Edward prompted.

"Ve can ask him. But if he says no ve abandon it."

"Deal," Edward said and pulled his hand away to take notes.

"Deal," Henrik whispered.

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