Have An Oral Exam Yet?

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A loud knocking woke Edward up and he cursed under his breath. "I'm up I'm up," he called.

Edward yawned and opened the door, only to be greeted by a hug. A hug that knocked out his breath and caused him to gasp for air.

"Thank you thank you thank you. I know I hated the experiment but JJ and I finally got together and it's all because of you!"

Edward nodded and pushed Wilford away. "Jesus you could thank me without killing me."

"Nope, sadly I can't do that. But thank you so much." Wilford grinned. "After he woke up we talked cause it was some pretty heavy stuff and we kissed. We finally got together. Oh, he's so sweet. Thank you I don't think he would have ever got the confidence to say anything."

Wilford sighed dreamily. "Also he will not be a part of your experiment. He signed something about the black liquid being too much."

Edward nodded, trying to comprehend what was just spoken. "Um thank you for that um."

Wilford grinned at him. "So how are you and Henrik? Have you kissed him yet? Had an oral exam?"

Edward blushed. "No nothing like that. We are coworkers. Our relationship is strictly professional."

Wilford rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, doc. Though I could recommend some first date movies. Do you want cute or basically porn?"


"What? Henrik literally reads those smutty novels with the doctors fucking their patients and nurses." Wilford said nonchalantly.

Edward flushed. "He what?"

"Did you not know?"

"How do you know?" Edward asked.

"JJ basically knows what everyone in this mansion reads. You tend to read medical journals, easy guide to learning german and nobles about how to be more positive." Edward gaped at him. "It's cute how you're trying to learn german for your boyfriend."

"Get out!" Edward hissed, pushing Wilford out of the room and shutting the door. He could still hear the pink maniac laughing as he walked down the hall. He took a deep breath and walked over to the bag where the serum was being kept.

"Why did you start this. Everything was fine. We were just friends. I was doing so well at hiding it. It was," he opened the bag and froze.

"Where's the serum?"

He looked around quickly to see if he had misplaced it. "Fuck fuck fuck," he whispered.

He turned when he heard another knock on the door. "I'm not in the mood Wilford."

"Darling I'm not Vilford. I vould recommend you open up before I grab a chainzaw."

Perscriptions, Pills and Insanityजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें