Merry Christmas, Kiss My Ass

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Jack's crappy Christmas doesn't turn out so crappy after all.

How fucking dare he?!

I stormed out of the house ignoring his calls for me to wait. I'd given the last three years of my life to that man, treated him like a king and how does he repay me? He cheats on me with some tattoo-covered asshole who works in the local fucking Starbucks!

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Josh calling. Bastard. I hit the reject button and trudged off into the snowy night, some fucking Christmas this is gonna be.

I walked into a small bar and dropped down on a stool. "Large whiskey and keep them coming," I told the girl who was serving. She simply shrugged and started making my drink.

They had some kind of acoustic, open mic performance thing going on as a clearly drunk girl finished the last lyrics of Mariah Carey- All I Want for Christmas Is You and stumbled off of the stage to an underwhelmed, polite round of applause.

The cute guy, who was wearing the same style t-shirt as the girl behind the bar and had been playing the guitar, came up to the mic. "Any more brave souls wanna take the plunge?" The stage lights made his mischievous eyes glisten as he brushed his bubble gum pink fringe out of them. "Come on guys it's not hard."

The bar girl came back and placed my drink down in front of me. I accepted it gratefully with a smile and a nod, but she continued to hover smiling suggestively. I gave her a confused look and followed where her eyes kept darting to realising instantly why no one had sat in the seat. Mistletoe...

"Sorry to disappoint you but I fuck guys," I told her bluntly. She made a small huff before disappearing off to serve someone else.

They told me I was lucky
To have my chance with you.
Now last year's summer romance,

Is this year's winter blues.

I glanced over to the stage to see the cute guy was now singing himself. He had an amazing voice, the kind that grabbed you instantly and made you listen to it. So, I did.

I treated you so nicely,
To jewellery, and champagne,
But you left me empty handed,

Yeah, you left me feeling

I didn't recognise the song at all, but it was almost comical how much I could relate to it. Fucking Josh.

Now I hope you're happy with yourself,
'cause I'm not laughing
Don't you think it's kind of crappy

What you did this holiday?
When I gave you my heart,
You ripped it apart
Like wrapping paper trash
So I wrote you a song,
Hope that you sing along
And it goes
"Merry Christmas, kiss my ass!"

Jalex OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now