Chapter 14.

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*WARNING* Chapter 14 contains scenes of self harm and trauma. If this topic triggers you at any way, please skip the chapter or read it under your own will! Enjoy!

On Christmas morning I woke up to my phone buzzing on an unknown number. I opened my eyes and shut it off. A move that I directly regretted thinking that there was even the slightest possibility of Tommy calling me. But why would he call me on a blocked ID? I pressed my eyes together to get the though out of my mind. I got up and walked outside of my room.

"Good morning!" Jake screamed with a big smile on his face.

"Good morning to you too." I replied with my voice still breaking. I tried to rush into the bathroom to avoid talking to anybody else but before shutting the door behind me I felt someone pushing it towards me. I shook my head and poked my head out of the bathroom where my mom was standing.

"Merry Christmas honey." She said.

"Merry Christmas mom." She stayed there for a few seconds staring at me to the point it started getting uncomfortable. "You need something?" I added.

"So, Maya might come over later and I was wondering if you wanted to invite your boyfriend... What's his name? Tommy?"

"No!" I said loudly without realizing and immediately tried to save it. "I mean, no. He can't come, family stuff. But Fabio will!"

"Oh, that's fine. We were just hoping to meet him." She implied awkwardly.

"Another time! I promise. Can I use the bathroom now?" I said rushing, shaking my legs to show her I needed to use the bathroom.

"Yeah, sure."

I shut the door, still feeling my mom's presence on the other side. I took a deep breath and stand in front of the sink staring at the dripping faucet. I grabbed my toothbrush and quickly place toothpaste on top of it before placing it in my mouth. I raised my head and looked at myself. My eyes were dark and black bugs were hanging right underneath them. I bit the toothbrush and used both of my hands to place my hair behind my ears and tie them into a low ponytail. My eyes fell on my arms where the bruises were still showing, slowly changing from light purple to dark blue. I shut my eyes in the thought of Tommy grabbing me roughly. Shit. I exclaimed right after spitting the toothpaste in the sink. I threw the toothbrush back inside the holding cup and threw water on my face. I grabbed the towel and wiped the water off me. I shut the toilet cap and sat down on it placing my elbows on top of my knees to support my head. Seconds later I found my self holding my phone waiting for the other side of the line to pick it up anxiously.

"Mia?" Fabio's voice echoed inside my ears.

"Hey Fabio." I said with my voice trembling.

"Merry Christmas..." he paused giving me some space. "Are you... okay?"

"Fabio I..." I said crying. "I think I did something bad." I finished my sentence. I freaked out looking down on my legs, where blood was dripping. My own blood, from my wrists down to my legs ending up in a small pod on the marble white floor.

"What did you do? What happened?" He asked quietly.

"I think I hurt myself." I was confused and surely sounded like it.

"You hurt yourself? Like... did you fall?"

"No." I took another deep breath followed by more tears when I noticed the razor on my hand. I couldn't remember picking it up or hurting myself which was causing me to panic even more. I heard Fabio talking to his host father, getting out of the house and into the car. He kept talking to me trying to keep me awake as my words started to make no sense. I was feeling dizzy and not because of the blood I was losing, but because of the situation I had just gotten into. Everything around me started fading but Fabio's voice was echoing in my head even more.

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