Chapter 25.

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"Mia, are you ready?" My brother screamed, banging at my door, making me quickly close my lip gloss and throw it in my backpack.

"All done!" I said opening the door facing him.

"You... put effort." He said surprised. He looked at me one more time before starting to walk down the stairs.

"Last day of school!"

"You sound excited." He implied, once again, surprised.

"Shouldn't I be? I can finally enjoy my summer! No school work, no more waking up early in the morning, no more bullshit." I said running down the stairs.

"No more Tommy? You realize he is off to college right?" I stopped.

"He is only a couple hours away, who cares?" I replied feeling out of breath.

"You know what this means right?" He tied his shoes and opened the front door, letting me go first, before locking the door behind him. "He is going to be living on his own. Classes, projects, limited time to talk to you. Parties, alcohol, girls. Girls." He said slowing down his voice.

"Tommy wouldn't." I said and I sounded unsure. And he knew.

"Well, I am sure you guys are going to figure it out."

"You and Maya did!"

"Me and Maya are at least in the same state. Maybe if you can make it through the first year, you can go to Connecticut with him."

"Yeah..." I replied almost silently, slamming the passenger's door.

"Well, there is your boyfriend!" Jake said as he pulled up next to Tommy's car.

"Thanks!" I said getting out of the car. I walked up to Tommy, who was standing by his car waiting for me.


"Hi." He said looking down to his phone.

"Who are you texting?" I asked him playfully, leaning towards his phone.

"Nobody!" He said pulling his phone away aggressively.

"Oh, sorry. It was just a joke." I defended myself.

"Yeah, okay. Let's go inside." He said walking in front of me making me follow him.

Gracie and Fabio were standing by the entrance. I looked at them and waved, as I smiled softly. I watched Tommy looking at Fabio and back at me. He quickly grabbed me by my arm and dragged me inside the building.

"Later!" I said shaking my shoulders. "Slow down!" I told Tommy, only to regret it.

"Just keep moving, I don't want these two assholes talking to you."

"Tommy!" I said pulling my arm away, setting it free from him. "These are my friends!"

"These would be your friends if little Fab guy didn't have a crush on you." He implied, keeping it quiet.

"He doesn't!"

"Mia, stop being so innocent."

"Tommy, he doesn't like me."

"How do you know that?" He asked staring at me, waiting for my response.

"I just do."

"Okay, then I just know that he does. End of conversation. Stay away from these losers."

"At the party tonight I am..."

"Don't even say it. No, no. Don't even think about it. You are coming with me and my friends."

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