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Hey, y'all!

How is everyone doing?  (If anyone still reads this- I have no idea)

I hope you're all doing well!

Let me start by saying that this pandemic has been absolutely horrendus.  I hope that you all are staying safe during these uncertain times.

I am in my final semester of getting my bachelor's in biology.  It's been a long, tough road.  But hey, I'm almost there!  I graduate next month! (insert confetti emoji but I can't because I'm on my PC)

5 years.  Cannot believe I've been in college for 5 years.

And guess what?

I'm getting my master's in biology!  I'm going to study reptiles.  Hopefully to save the turtles!

...I just realized how ironic that is given that I love the ninja turtles.

I literally started my writing hobby on here solely writing about TMNT.

Oh how the turn tables.

Furthermore, I have been working on making my own candles.  I hope to open up an Etsy shop once I get the techniques down.  So far... it's a slow process.  Who knew candle making was so difficult?

But I'm not gonna give up!!!

If y'all want my Etsy shop name, let me know!  I'll share it once I've got stuff on there.

Ummm what else...

I got accepted into an honors society.  So that's pretty freaking cool.

Also, the grad school I'm going to wants me to be a teacher's assistant.  So I might be teaching some labs.  That's also pretty freaking cool

I'm going to the beach next month.

My boyfriend and I have been looking at houses!! So we hope to have one by the end of this year!!

Also I broke part of my tooth off and I'm getting it fixed Monday so there's that. ((fear emoji))

dentophobia is real with this one.

Anyways, I think that's all I have to say for now.  Miss you guys!!


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