Reckless YEET

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When I started writing these this fan fiction about Casey Jones, I'll admit that I wasn't fond of him.  I thought he was a jerk because I've met many guys like him in real life and I know how they are.  They only care about themselves.

But after writing this story, and rewriting it now, I can't deny how much my love has grown for him.  Yes, he can be annoying.  But overall he has a big heart for those that he cares about.  Plus he's really good at kicking butt when he needs too.  (also he's super hot but shh lets not go into too much detail on that)

I honestly wish he had tattoos??? like that would be so cool

ANYWAYS my point in telling you this is that if you haven't reread my TMNT series since I've started editing it, I really recommend it.  I am so much more confident in the decisions I've made this time around, and I think it is much more enjoyable having my 20-year-old self write it vs my 16-year-old self.

(I swear, some of these things ive written in these stories im just like WHAT was I thinking???? was I crazy???? ok i'm still crazy but yano what I mean)

What i'm trying to get at is that I appreciated all your support in the past, and I'd appreciate it even more if you were to support me again.  It would mean the world to me because I am fully determined for this series to be successful.  So far its on that path, and I plan to continue putting in 100% of myself for you guys!! I mean it.  I really want to do well, but I know that won't happen without trying.  And you guys deserve every last drop of my efforts.

I lost my passion for writing this past year, I will admit that.  I felt forced, like someone was holding me down and telling me to finish these stories.  But over the passed few days, I don't feel like that anymore.  It's like a breath of fresh air.  I thoroughly enjoy writing again and I really hope I can get back into the game again.  I want you guys to be happy with me and the choices I make in my stories, so please let me know if anything seems problematic or far-fetched.  I'm not just writing for myself, i'm writing for you all as well.  That's how it's always been and that's how it always will be.

I have so many plans for the future and I hope you guys will support me long enough for me to execute them.  Thank yall for everything.  You guys deserve the world.


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