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I have returned from my unexpected leave of absence.

I've missed coming on here.  Every time I log on, it's like I've come back to the place I belong.  I should probably come on here more often.

And that is actually my goal, but I will get onto that in a bit.

First of all, how are you guys?

I really hope everything is going well for each of you.  Y'all are like family to me and I think about you more than you realize.  I hope you're thriving!

I've been MIA recently because of work and school.  More so college, as it's been taking a lot out of me.  It's like every time I turn around, I need to be studying for another exam even if I just took one the day before.  AHHHH.

For those of you who don't know, I'm a biology major.  I am about to finish out my 4th year in my degree, so that means only one more year to go. 

I'll admit, it's been rough.  I have to learn in-depth about chemistry (general and organic), plants (regular and flowering), animals (regular and vertebrates), statistics, computer programming (because these days biologists need to know how to code for research), physics, and microbiology along with immunology.  There is so much information swimming around in this brain, I could probably write an entire book on here explaining it all.

Oh yeah, and I've gotta dabble in the world of human anatomy as well. *sweats nervously*

As you can see, I'm slightly stressed.

That's an under-exaggeration.

I'm overwhelmed. ^^'

This is my last semester in organic chemistry and I'll NEVER have to take another chem class again, so I'm thrilled.  Organic chem makes me wanna tear my hair out.  XD

One. More. Year.

Anyways, enough ranting.  I am heavily sleep-deprived, as I just saw Sleeping With Sirens in concert last night.  They were incredible.  Just like they were back when I saw them in 2015.

Somehow, I managed to survive classes this from 8 am-12 pm on 5 hours of sleep.  That's a miracle.

Other than all that mess and the consequences from it, life is going pretty swell.  I get to see TOOL on Wednesday and I'm hyped for that.

Also, going to Colorado for the first time this coming June.  Gonna be pretty epic.

Don't worry about me, guys.  I'm all good.  >.<

On another note, I wanna be totally honest about why I got on here.  I value the friendships I've made here, and I really want to continue to allow them to grow.  I feel like in the past, I was very secretive about my real life for the most part because I didn't want to talk about myself so much.  But looking back on that, I regret it now because you all are here to see what's going on in my life, and I've never been very straightforward about that.  It's always been about writing and such, so I tended to forget that you all wanted to know the person that's behind the screen as well.

(Aside: the main reason I talked about writing so much was that I felt like I had to speak about it because my "rivals" at the time were only speaking about it as well.  That was pretty stupid on my part, because who cares what other people are doing?  I need to just do my thing.)

Pushing on, I've decided that I will be here more frequently.  Also, if you all have boredom books like this then comment them here.  >>>>>

I want to be involved with all of your lives as well, and I've decided that reading your boredom books is the best way I can do that.

I hope you all can forgive me for being so wishy-washy with the lack of time I've spent on here in the past.  I have returned for good!

I have to go study for an organic exam now (ugh) so I will catch y'all later! <3

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