GOOD MORNING (or afternoon or evening)

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Hello, hello!!!

How are you all doing?  I've really missed you guys!!

I'm so sorry that I keep disappearing.  Honestly, I only have time to come on and check my notifications and then leave.  School and work have taken over my life.  It's insane.

Well, this past week I've been writing a lot.  Like, a lot.  My next chapter for Reckless is almost done and it's a long one, I tell ya.  Brace yourselves!!

I don't mean this in a cocky way, but Reckless is so much better than it used to be.  I remember being told by one of my readers that it was very underdeveloped and didn't have much depth to Evelyn.  Well, I've fixed that tenfold!!  She's a lot more dynamic, and y'all might be asking questions about why she's soooo weird..... and that, my friends, will be answered soon... :)

Anyways, thank you all for never giving up on me! I'm really blessed to have friends like you.  You're all like my little kitten children and I just wanna keep you protected forever ❤️❤️

I am really sorry I keep abandoning this place, but up until January I will be on much more frequently.  So shoot me all the messages/leave all the comments you want!!  I am here to give advice or just chat or whatever you want!  Just be patient with me. :)

Also, to those that have spread the word about my TMNT fan fictions regardless of my absence, thank you!!! I've had a LOT more people reading them lately and I have a sneaking suspicion that a few of you are responsible for that.  That fills my heart with so much joy!!! To think that even when I'm gone, people still find enjoyment in the things I worked so hard to make for them is wonderful.  I really hope my stories live up to your expectations, and I hope that my newer chapters give you the same nostalgic feeling that they give me.

This was all over the place and I apologize.  I just woke up and jumped straight on here with not caffeine in me.  I love you guys sooo much!! Please don't doubt that!!!


Irrelevant.  [Random]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt