so good news for them good ol TMNT fans

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I've had many people asking me to update Reckless-

And guess what?

I finally did!

I also edited three other chapters.  Next, I need to write one more and edit 7 other chapters.  Then publish them all, and I'm done with it!!

That only took, what? 2 years?

My goodness.  I aimed to have this entire series done in two years.


I think the story is coming along a lot better than it did back in the day!! There's a lot more feeling behind it.

Go check it out if you're up for it!!

Also I'm tired.  I've been writing for five hours and done homework for three. YAWNNZZZ

also side note: Clannad's soundtrack is great to study to

Irrelevant.  [Random]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt