Quick Update

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Hello, friends!

How are y'all doing?

I hope everything is running smoothly in your lives during such odd times.

I would actually like to share my experiences from when quarantine began, but I'll do that in a later chapter because the mans is on his way to pick me up.

I wanted to share a few quick things with you, since I'm here.

I've been working on the playlist for Remember. Music has always been a huge part of my life and I've realized that giving all my stories a real soundtrack is very VERY important to me. What's a good story without an excellent choice of background music?

If you all are interested in what I've come up with, here is the playlist link:


Also, if you all like music just as much as I do, feel free to follow my Spotify. I am on there daily and frequently making new playlists. User is sammihail 🥰

Second, I have been contemplating finishing my TMNT series. It's very unsatisfying to know that I had some INTENSE ideas planned for the last three books and that I never got around to executing them. Besides, I have gotten so many messages from people asking me to finish it and I really don't wanna let anyone down. It's frustrating when a series ends abruptly and I don't want to be one of those authors.

Third, I downloaded the app on my phone again so I'm gonna try and update y'all as much as I can from now on!

And finally, I just wanted to share some exciting information- I've lost 2 pounds!!! I'm not overweight by any means, but I gained those 2 pounds from being furloughed from my job due to covid-19 and I finally lost them! Hoping to keep it off and take working out more seriously.

That's all I have to say for now.

Have a good day! Love y'all! 😘


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