Chapter 7: The Killer Instincts Never Die

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" Wait, Please" You huffed, despite being way out of his earshot. You looked up in a dazed confusion, trying to figure out how you were going to catch up to a man running at an inhumanly possible speed.

You still trudged forward, with no sense of direction from the blanket of fog that stretched casted shadows miles away.

"Where did he go?" you muttered to yourself in defeat to the silhouetted man Charging towards the Heelshire estate.

Familiar siren sounds caught your attention further on the eastward roads, where a row of coordinated white and blue cars sped past you with a distorted 'POLICE' labeling; hardly recognizable in a thick mist.

With the Heelshire mansion the only thing close ahead of the roadway, this is where you knew something was wrong.

The high probability of Brahms having a criminal record, undocumented or not, couldn't be ignored; but it always felt as if he proved to you and himself, that he was unable to slash you open and leave you for the rats to nibble on.

" But promise me, if something bad happens, you will call the police okay?"

This can't be the same person, can it?

Those warnings seemed to thicken in the fog of your own head, since all you could do was watch as a masked man in the garden equipped a bollock dagger, pressing the sharp end dangerously close to the jaw of a trespasser.

You opt for hiding In the outer entrance in the bushes, which went unnoticed by the barricade of men hardly viewable in these conditions.

" Nobody moves," Brahms tightened his grip on the standardized pocket knife inches away from the man's throat "or he dies"

A cop charged forward with his pistol equipped, His eyes fixed on the target who, surprisingly, seemed bored.

An ear-splitting scream made your stomach churn inside, but despite this, you knew there was nothing to be done, since getting involved will deem you an accomplice.

You lose focus of Brahms in the litter of bullets, you try to see if you can find him despite the loud whips and cracks of falling bullets causing you to shudder.

After a moment so fast, yet long-lasted,you stood up breathless and scrambled past the garden of corpses to the last one standing.

"I'm cold y/n" He spoke in a surprisingly gravelly voice, as he looked down at you from his new mask, and tried to clean off the blood on his gloves before reaching for your arm.

Motionless bodies trailed around the garden, not one seemed to have a sliver of life in them.

" You, you have to stop doing this, look at the mess you made." He looked around the garden and retorted his gaze back to you. " What if They call for backup, and they find this, and-"

" I took care of that. I figured they would come so I planned ahead" He took a deep sigh as he tried to calm your worries "And I will clean this up I promise."

"Can I get a reward if I get it done though?" Brahms beammed with childish joy, as if he was cleaning up his toy box and not a garden filled with the stench of the dead.

'Cute' You thought, despite seeing so many dead people on the ground freaked you out immensely.

" Alright, alright fine I will give you a reward if you fix this. I am going to be inside. I don't want to see all this anymore." You walked back to the mansion tiredly, as Brahms watched you struggle for the door.

What am I going to do with him?


I apologize for such a late update and this poorly written chapter. ( The next chapter will be finished way faster) This chapter took a while for me to be pleased with the finished product. Don't forget to vote, comment, follow and show support! Also What should his reward be? <3

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