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        We'd been together for about a month when we went out on our first date. You had been bugging me for about a month to let you take me out. I really did want to go on a date with you, I had just been busy, and unsure of what my parents' responses would be. You kept saying you really wished you could come and pick me up, and drive me yourself to our destination (which you would not disclose to me), but there was one small problem. You didn't have your license yet. It was fine by me to have your mother drive us, but you were not satisfied with that. It was really cute, how angry you were about it. You pouted the whole carride. I was very amused, which made you even more angry.

        When we got close to our destination, you put your hand over my eyes, so I couldn't see where we were going until we were parked in the parking lot and getting out. You finally removed your hand, and I was able to see that were at the movie theater. I just looked at you and said, "Why did this need to be such a surprise?" You chuckled and said, "I wanted to be mysterious. What's wrong with that?" I just hit you in the shoulder playfully, and we both laughed. Your mom left us after that, and you and I walked inside the theater. You went to by the tickets, saying you couldn't tell me what movie we were seeing yet. I just rolled my eyes at you. You came back with tickets to a movie that you knew I wanted to see (I had been talking about it for months), but that I knew you had no desire to see. I tried to pay you for my ticket and you laughed and wouldn't accept my money. I should have known better, knowing you.

        It was a fun night. We threw popcorn at each other, laughed together about the movie, and at one point you kissed me. It wasn't a deep kiss, it was short and gentle. You put your arm around me, and I rested my head on your shoulder. I almost fell asleep, and you woke me up, saying, "You're the one who wanted to see this movie, you can't fall asleep". I laughed at you, and you whispered, "Even though you enjoy laughing at me, I still love you."

        Oh, Elijah, I wish I had known what we were in for.

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