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        By November of my junior year, and your senior year, the hospital was pretty much your second home. Everyday after school, your brother would take me with him to see you. Although my parents sometimes didn't approve of this, because they thought it was too much to go everyday, you always wanted me to be there. Apparently you always asked for me, and everyday you would ask your brother if I was coming with him. I could understand why you wanted everyone there to visit you everyday. All you did was lay in a hospital bed all day, get treatments, and take medicine, with the occasional conversation with a doctor or other cancer patient.

        The only thing you had to look forward to was seeing the people you loved.

        You never knew, but my grades dropped a lot during the time that you were in the hospital. I was a straight A student, but suddenly I dropped to a B- average, with a C in one class. After a a few weeks, my teachers finally realized what was going on- I was never turning any work in because when I left school I was spending hours at the hospital with you, instead of doing homework. So most of my teachers took pity on me, and starting putting in 90s for the work I wasn't doing. Except for one teacher, she wouldn't budge. So in her class I had a D+ at one point. It would have worried me if I didn't already have something more important to worry about.

        I never told you about my grades dropping, because I knew what you would say. You say, "You need to visit me less and get your work done. You going to college and being successful is more important than me." So I never told you.

        That's the kind of person you were; you would be more worried about my grades than me being there to visit you.

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