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        When school started again, you were still going back and forth between the hospital and home. You rarely came to school though, because between the hospital visits, treatments, and the sickness, you were exhausted. The teachers would tutor you at your house, send work home with your brother, or email your work to you. I always thought that was such a sad way to start your senior year. You were almost eighteen by then, since you'd always been older than the other kids in your grade.

        Your little sister was just starting seventh grade that year. She was taking Algebra already, but she struggled with it, and since math was my favorite subject, I would tutor her. She's a funny girl, Eli. She reminds me of you all the time. You both have the same blue eyes- your father's eyes- and blonde hair- your mother's. Elliot has a light sprinkle of freckles across her nose, and you didn't, but you did have the same nose as her. Your brother, however, doesn't look much like you did. While he does have the blonde hair, he has your mother's green eyes instead. It's obvious that you're brothers, because your faces do look similar, but the two of you are like day and night; two very different boys.

        You may have been very different from each other, but you had one thing in common- you were and are both so good to me.


two updates today because i forgot yesterday.

-mags x

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