Beach and a heart attack?

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James pov
Im so excited that Kat and I are gonna hang. She's so cool and I think I'm liking her :). Hopefully it goes well
Im so nervous what if he hates me in my bathing suit? Or hates how I swim ? Oh man this is hard. Then sierra walks in.
Sierra-so when we leaving ?
Kat-around 4
Sierra-cool im excited to see the waves.
Kat-okay me too. Sierra do you think he likes me ?
Sierra-uh yes he looks like he's in love with you haha.
I punched sierra in the arm and she laughs. Oh gosh im going to be awkward. Hopefully this time I won't puke.
So sierra rides her skateboard and I just walk. We see James and Lana sitting on a bench waiting for us.
James-hey kat
Lana-hey kat.
Kat-Lana I want you to meet sierra. She's my younger sister.
Lana- hey *waves*
Sierra-hi. I like your bathing suit.
James-your nice in your bathing suit, kat.
Sierra looks over and gives me a nudge and laughs.
Sierra-Lana lets go by the ocean. *puts down her skateboard and laughs*
Kat-um so what you want to do ?
James- you wanna go in the ocean? Or on the sand?
Kat-probably ocean so I can watch my sister.
So me and him walk down to the ocean. My stomach feels like a volcano is erupting and my heart pumping faster than a moving car.
James pov
Tonight better go good because I really need to make a good impression. My pocket was vibrating. My phone was ringing. It was Russell
James-sorry. Russell needs me for a sec
Kat-go ahead I'll go to sierra and Lana.
I answer
James-dude what? Im hanging with kat
Russell-dude oh my gosh you better come asap to the hospital
Russell-your dad had a heart attack. He's at the hospital. He was at the car dealership and I drove him. He had a heart attack waiting for the car. Come to the hospital asap
James-okay okay coming im coming

I ran to kat and said we had to go. Lana and sierra sit in the back. Kat sits in the front.
Kat-what's wrong ? What's happening ?
James-my dad has had a heart attack. He's at the hospital.
Lana-daddy? No not my daddy.
Kat-honey it's gonna be okay. He's fine he just had a simple heart attack. It's normal.
Sierra-yeah,Lana I'll hold your hand.
Sierra POV
I held Lana hand all the way to the hospital. At times she squeezed my hand to hard but I know she was scared.

James pov
We at the hospital and I see izzy and mom waiting in the waiting room. Russell comes in from the car because he was giving my mom some tissues.
James-you guys okay ?
Mom-im sad to say your father passed away 10 minutes ago. They couldn't save him.

Kat pov
Lana just falls right to the ground and screams "why daddy why." I made me teary eyed because he was a good man.

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