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Kat pov
So James left around 7 because I had to get ready for bed around 8 because I have a busy day tomorrow at work.
Ella- so was it?
Kat- it went good.
Ella- that's it?? It went good.
Kat- okay Ella. I like him alright. ☺️
Ella- awwww and I like Russell 😊
Kat- yeah :). Night el
Ella- night Katty
So I told sierra to go to bed around 9 and I went to my room. I went on Twitter and read James recent tweet.
"Had so much fun with a girl I never knew until now" #bestnight
Omg he's talking about me 😄. I'm speechless.
Then I went on Instagram and I got a friend request from James and Russell. So I followed them. And I scrolled down James pictures. I saw a pic of him helping kids in Africa. Aw that's so sweet. 😍
James POV
I told Russell I was going to bed because I got to go visit my family tomorrow. Ugh sometimes they are pain. Oh shiz I forgot. I told them I had a serious girlfriend. Oh my gosh. What am I gonna do??? 😱😱

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