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James pov
Kat left because she had to go help Sierra with a project. I'm so frustrated because I really like Kat but this David is in my way. Lana and I went back to my apartment while Russell went out with Ella. Lana sat on the couch and looked like she was gonna cry.
James- hey, what's wrong ?
Lana- I'm mad at you
James- what I do ?
Lana- go get her
James- get who?
Lana- KAT! You obviously like her and you are just hiding from it.
James- I told you I like her but she probably doesn't feel the same way back.
Lana- you don't know that. I may be 4 years old but I know what love is because mommy and daddy expressed it everyday.
James- well you want me to ask her ?
Lana- yes, text her right now
So I grabbed my phone and went to iMessage and sent her this "hey I have a question? You know I like you I was wondering if you did back."
Kat pov
I was on the porch watching Sierra skateboard. She finished her project and wanted to skateboard on the driveway. I felt a buzz on my leg. It was from James. I was shocked and speechless I didn't know what to say. But I texted and said "I had feelings for you in high school but I don't anymore. I like David. James you are an amazing guy and any girl would be lucky to have you. Don't forget that. I'll see you soon"

James pov
I threw my phone and broke it into pieces. My first girl I truly like and she says no.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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