I think....?

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James POV
I made up an excuse so I can go to talk to kat. The girl I went out with only texted me 2 times. It's that me and kat have nothing in common so I just made up something. I think.... I think I might like her 😳.
Kat pov
That was a such made up thing that James did. I wonder why he did that. Or it could have been true. I don't know? So back to my library work. I went to the back office and I had a lot of stuff to do. But I got a text from sierra
Sierra-hey...you gotta pick me up..like now.
Kat- why?
Sierra- our school is on fire and I just got out. I'm fine I'm waiting for you out front. Just pick me up
Kat- okay I'm coming.
I didn't have a car so I borrowed Ella's. I drove as fast as I can to get her. I saw sierra waving at me.
Kat-hey you okay?
Sierra-yeah just a fire in the cafeteria. Stupid boys who brought in matches.😯
Kat-well I'm glad your okay.
Sierra-so can I come to work with you?
Kat- sure. I got a lot of work but yeah you can.
Sierra- I'm just going to read and do work that I didn't finish at school.

When I walk in the library it was not packed but a lot of people where using the computers and reading in the seating area.

I saw Ella in the front desk drinking coffee and helping a little girl with a book. When I went to the back I got another text...........from James 😳.
James-hey Kat...you wanna hang around 5?
I couldn't respond. Was it a date?? Or just hanging as friends. 😳😳😳😳

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