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So I went home and it was almost 4. Sierra was watching Duck dynasty and I went upstairs to freshen up. I put my hair down and straighten it and I painted my nails pink with purple stripes. While I let them dry I was thinking about James and what if he really likes me!?? About 6 minutes later they are dry and I put on a croc top and sweat pants. I also put on converse so it can make my outfit complete. I walked downstairs and it was 4:30.
Sierra-wow nice outfit. That's something I would wear 👌.
Kat-do I look good for a "hang out"
Sierra-oh totally. Oh hey can I skateboard with Alexis and Martin?
Kat-sure...wait who is Martin?
Sierra-this new kid and he helped me out today at school. So he's my friend :)
Kat-ok. Come home before it gets dark.
Sierra-okay. Have fun tonight. Don't worry. You'll do fine.
Now it's 4:45 and I'm pacing. I have no idea why. I'm a little nervous but am excited at the same time. So I saw his car pull up and I screamed like I was 4 years old. Hehe
James-hey kat -leans in and hugs-
Kat-hi -hugs back-
James-you look nice
Kat-thanks. Uh come in and sit.
James-oh sure. So how's sierra. I heard about the fire?
Kat-she's good. She's out with some of her friends.
James-oh that's good.
Kat-yeah so you want to something to eat or watch tv?
Janes-oh we should watch that new crime show.
Kat-oh yea I really wanna see it.
So I turned on the tv and I sat next to him. He smelled like a man and honey 😍.
James-oh and btw I like your hair down.
Kat-oh thanks -blushes-
James-your really beautiful and it looks great
Kat-aw thanks.
James-hey can I tell you something?
Kat-sure what is it?
James- I'm sorry about high school. Russell told you it was that guy but it was me that said don't hang out with you. I was so cocky in high school and I'm sorry
Kat- oh James it's okay really.
James- you sure?
Kat- at least we are friends now.
It was 6:00 and sierra walked in.
Sierra-hey James.
James-sip sierra.
Sierra-hey James. You know Martin?
James-yeah he's my neighbor why?
Sierra-he said your a really good skateboarder. Can I see?
James-sure. Can I borrow your skateboard?
Sierra-yup -hands James the skateboard-

We walked outside and he showed sierra his moves and stuff. He was really good at it. He was hot when he did it too.
Grrrr...I might be liking him more ☺️

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