After work

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Kat pov

I forgot to tell you this but u have a 14 year old sister name Sierra. She lives with me because she can't stand our parents. So after work I walked him and I got changed into comfy clothes

Kat-hey Sierra how was school??

Sierra-boring as always. How was work?

Kat-it was good. I saw James today :)

Sierra-James? That boy you always talk about??

Kat-yeah he is still cute and handsome.

SIERRA-oh alright lol. Well I'm off to see my friend Alexis.

Kat-okay have fun. Be back by 9.

So when Sierra left I sat on the couch and read some newspapers. Then I hear my phone buzz. It was Ella who texted

Ella-hey girl what's up you wanna me for dinner??

Kat-sure thing. Where at???


Kat-okay be there in 20 minutes.

So I get on my flower skirt and white tank top with my flower necklace that I got at H &M. So I walked there because I live 5 minutes from outback.

Ella-hey Katrina

Kat-I hate my name haha.

Ella-haha I know. So how are you?

Kat-I'm good. I'm just happy that I work with you and I just love my job.

Ella-AWW and I'm happy that your happy.

Kat-yeah thanks. How's you and your boyfriend?

Ella-I haven't seen him in 3 months. He say he's out of town in Germany visiting his grandmother. But I found out his grandmother died 5 years ago. So I think he's cheating on me.

Kat-oh I'm so sorry Ella.

Ella-it's alright. He wasn't for me anyways.

So we talked and we both had steak with cheesy fries. Then she took a cab home and I walked. It was dark out and I heard something. It sounded like a man. I said "hello?" Then he said "Kat?" It was James. 😐.

Janes-hey kat. What's up?

Kat-uh hi James nothing much just came back from dinner with Ella. How about you?

James-nothing just came back from a date. She was annoying. Like she couldn't keep her mouth shut for 1 second.

Kat-haha. Well I used to never talk in school but now I have gotten better

James- I can tell. I never notice you in high school but I recognized your voice.

Kat- some people hear my voice when I asked the teacher to go to the library.

James- oh I see. My mom used to work at that library you work at now.

Kat- oh cool. I love that library. I brings back too many memories.

James- oh okay. So do you mind if I come inside for a second?

Kat- sure 😬

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