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James pov

So I'm James. I'm 23 years old and I live in an apartment with my roommate, Russell. So me and Russell are going shopping for furniture for our apartment.

Russell-aye look, that couch only $225.

James-that's not bad. But hate the color of it.

Russell-man come on we've been looking all Day and I'm hungry asf.

James-okay man we can get it.

So we bought it and it was gonna be shipped to our apartment in 6 days.

So Russell and I walked around the city I bought Marcus a pizza so he can stop complaining how hungry he is. So I saw a sign that said "Villages library".

James-aye my mom worked here for 3 years after high school. Let's go in bro.

Russell-okay as long as I can bring my pizza.

So I walk in. I changed a little. There were new signs,shelves, and a new book area for kids. So me and Russell sat down and I pulled out my phone. Then I heard this girl say "put your phone away or put it on silent". I was like okay okay but i didn't turn around cuz I just wanted to check my kik messages. But I said to myself "the voice,I know that voice."

Kat pov

No that can't be him. It can't be James. I thought he move after high school. Does my hair look okay?? Ahh I'm scared.

Ella(my friend)-oh James, right??

Kat-yeah he so handsome 😍

Ella- go talk to him Kat

Kat- I never have and never will.

Back to James pov

So I decided To turn around. And I see her. Her hair is in a bun and has glasses. Oh snap,what's her name from high school??? Ahh whatever I'll just ask.

So I walk up to the desk

James-uhh do I know you from somewhere??


James-didn't u go to high school with me??

Then this other girl barges in.

Ella-yeah she did...this is Kat. Katrina is her full name. I'm Ella. No can u please be quiet.

James-I was asking a freakin question ...ELLA

So I looked a Kat

James-Remember me Kat?? It's James


James-it's good to see you :)

Kat-yah. Uhh U want a book or magazine??

James-uh sure...where are the diary of a wimpy kid books??

I hear Russell laughing and choking on pizza because of what book I wanted.

Kat-.......are you sure??

James-no I'm just kidding ( I really wasn't). I'll just get a magazine. Thanks

Kat- ok.

So I grabbed 3 sports magazines and left.

Russell-DIARY OF A WIMPY KID!! YOO u ain't 10 your 23?? Remember 😂😂.

Josh-I get it alright. I just don't read often.

Russell- -well that girl Kat always reads. Like in high school I never saw her face until today because it was always in a book.

James-I never really noticed her.

Russell-how did u know if that was her at the desk??

James- I don't know?? I heard her voice before.

Russell-well u might of heard it because she sings to herself because she was the locker next to my cousins.

James- oh okay. Well she's cute.

Marcus- what the....when... ??? What??

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