Night is almost over

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Kat pov
It touched me that Lana liked me even though I wasn't really James's girlfriend.
Lana- so you and James are dating?
Kat- yes.....
Lana- it's obvious that you guys aren't together but I can see that James likes you.
Kat- wait you know we aren't dating?
Lana- yeah he told me tonight because he trusts me
Kat- oh good. But wait he likes me though?
Lana- can't you tell? He stares at you non stop, gets a chance to put his arm around you and I see him stare at your lips.
Kat-oh really?
Lana-Yep im an expert 😂
Kat-😂ohhhh Okay
Lana-Yep but I think you like him too.
Kat-I used to back in high school but he never noticed me.
Lana-oh im sorry. Well I think he did because when I was 2 he told me about his whole high school life and talked a lot about you.
Kat-☺️☺️ oh ☺️☺️
Kat-well lets go back into the family room.
I can't believe that's nights almost over its around 9:00 and James said lets go.
We hugged goodbye and went to our car.
James POV
I think the night went really well. But I'm glad it's over with I couldn't stand Isabella .
James- thanks again kat. I owe you.
Kat-oh it's no problem. It was fun !
Eventually we got to Kat's house and I leaned over to hug her. She hugged back. As are arms pulls away I stare into her beautiful eyes and almost lean forward to kiss her.
Kat-oh I gotta call sierra sorry. Bye
James-okay thanks again !

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