Chapter One: 2015 - Home

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Billy saw the shoe flying across the room making a beeline for his head and ducked. Too late, he realised his mistake, as the other shoe he hadn't seen connected with his chest. He should have known she'd anticipate his moves and aim the next one lower.

"Becky, I already said I'm sorry. What the hell is wrong with you?" Billy yelled, rubbing his chest and looking daggers at his crazy sister.

"How dare you even think about going to boarding school without me? After all we've been through together, you just wanna flip me off like I'm nobody. Well too bad, oh dear brother'o'mine, where you go I go, mon amigo," Becky yelled, as she waved her hand at the cupboard again and another pair of shoes lifted out and hovered in the air.

Billy looked at the enraged ghost of his twin sister Becky and gave a huge sigh. Why did she always have to over-react to everything he said or did? He'd only been letting her know she didn't have to come with him if she didn't want to. This whole boarding school thing sucked! He was fifteen for god's sake. Why should he have to uproot his life and leave all his friends behind just because his parents wanted to be irresponsible thrill-seekers?

When his parents had first told him they'd applied to join an archaeological dig in Peru, he'd just smiled and nodded. He'd seriously thought it was just another one of their hair-brained schemes that never eventuated. That was six months ago, and in three days' time he was enrolled to start at Hellesville College. Even the name of the place made him shudder.

Suddenly the intended missiles hovering in the air dropped to the ground, and Becky slumped down onto a chair. "Okay, sorry... so maybe I slightly over-reacted. I just couldn't believe you even wanted to go without me. Am I really that much of a pain to have around?"

Billy smiled in relief, straightening his battered body from its crouched position. "Of course you're not a pain to have around... most of the time." Billy chuckled, relieved to see the corners of her mouth twitch into a semi-smile. "I just wanted you to know you don't have to come with me. To be honest, I don't know how I'd go without you around, but I just wanted you to know you had a choice."

A guilty look crossed Becky's face. "Oooppss... I guess I never thought of it like that. All I could see was that you didn't want me around anymore. Sorry about the shoes..."

Billy grinned and rubbed his chest. "I've had worse. So I take it you wanna come to boarding school with me then?"

"Gee... whatever gave you that idea?" Becky said, her eyebrows almost reaching her hairline.

Billy shrugged. "Well, at least I'll know someone there... even if it's only someone no-one else can see or hear." He groaned and flopped down on his bed. "How is this even gonna work?"

Becky had her angelic face happening, her eyes shining and dreamy. "I'm sure it'll be fine. Seriously, how hard can it be? It's not like anyone will know I'm there."

Billy burst out laughing. "Are you serious? Since when have you ever been able to just blend into the scenery? You have a way of making your presence felt everywhere you go!"

Becky feigned a hurt expression, her eyes still sparkling with mischief. "Why Billy Pellens, I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about. I'm a regular wallflower."

At that, they both collapsed into laughter, all tension about the impending life-change forgotten. Billy had no illusions that it would be easy, but he was glad Becky would be there nevertheless.

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