Chapter Thirty-Two: Preparations

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Becky snuggled up next to John on the lounge in the main common room. The preparations for the party were finally done, and they'd sneaked away to have some quiet time before the festivities began.

Becky sighed. "Hey, I've been thinking. We should go check out the pool tomorrow. I used to do a lot of swimming when Billy was younger. When he was training, I used to swim along the bottom of the pool pushing him to go faster. Seeing you were a swimmer too I thought it might be fun..."

John cleared his throat. "Beck', I know as well as you do that today is probably going to be our last day you can stop pretending now." He reached for her and pulled her into his lap, cradling her in his arms. "But thanks for trying, gorgeous."

Becky didn't even try to argue...she knew there was no point. They both knew once the poltergeist was gone there was nothing to keep him here.

"So how does it work? Will there be a light I have to walk into, or will I just get sucked up, like a 'beam me up Scotty' type thing?"

Becky tried to laugh, but it came out more like a whimper. "I don't really know, to be honest. I've never seen...I mean...oh John, this is so unfair!"

She felt a shudder run through him, as though he were trying to keep a tight rein on his own emotions. "Tell me about it. I was never even close to being this happy when I was alive. Finding you is the best thing that's ever happened to any existence."

Becky lifted her head and looked into his eyes. "Maybe our plan won't work, and the poltergeist won't be so easy to get rid of? It might take ages to..." John's gentle lips silenced her attempt to find answers, the kiss reminding her all the more what she was about to lose.

Why does it have to be like this? Why can't we just have each that so much to ask? The thoughts went round and round in her head, as they had done since she'd spoken to the Archangels. It wasn't like she was forcing John to stay against his will...they both wanted this. Maybe she should have tried to make some kind of deal with the Archangels so he could stay. But she knew it would have fallen on deaf ears...the Archangels weren't concerned with wants and needs, they were too busy enforcing the rules.

John lifted his head and smiled. "So I wonder what I'll be reborn as...boy or girl? Or are there other options I don't know about...alien, dog, elephant?"

Becky chuckled. "No, boy or girl are the only options. Humans are always reborn as humans. But you'll have no memories of your previous life...or us."

John's body stiffened beneath her, a flicker of excitement entering his eyes. "Hey...what if I choose to be a Guardian Angel? I never even thought of that."

Becky shook her head sadly. "Sorry babe, but that option isn't available to most, and there has to be a need at the same time as your death. And considering that was five years ago, I don't like your chances..."

The excitement in his eyes died, and he slumped back into the lounge. "Damnit...there has to be something we can do."

Becky ran her hand down his cheek and smiled. "Okay, we need to stop dwelling on stuff we can't change and start thinking about the plan for tonight. What do we do if our unwelcome guest decides to throw a hissy fit with all those students around?"

"" John chuckled and held Becky tightly against him for a second. Then he sighed and kissed the top of her head. "Yeah, I know, stop thinking about it...Okay, so what do we do if Mr Pollyguy decides to come out to play?"

Becky frowned. "I'm hoping it'll be weak enough by then that if we send a huge blast of positive energy at it the thing will just evaporate. I think the most important thing is to make sure there's no negative energy around for it to feed on. So that means we need to keep an eye on those year eleven and twelve boys at all times."

John sighed and grinned. "I'll try...but I can't guarantee I'll be able to take my eyes off you long enough to watch them as well."

Becky giggled. "Hmmm...I may have a similar problem. Maybe we'll get the others to watch the boys so we can focus on more important each other."

This time the kiss was hungry, filled with a yearning they both knew would never be fulfilled.

* * *

Becky giggled nervously as they crossed the basketball court and headed for the boys dorms. "I just realised why I'm so nervous. This is my first party ever."

Kate grinned. "Well you certainly look the part. John is going to be gobsmacked! I so wish I could give you a 'good-luck-at-your-first-party' hug."

"Me too," Becky said. "And I cannot wait to see the look in my brother's eyes when he sees you in that dress. I hope he doesn't wait, that's Lance." They both giggled as they approached the door to the senior common room.

They heard the music playing, and saw Billy and John standing in the doorway waiting for them. Becky couldn't decide which of their faces was the funniest, but they both looked as if their jaws were about to hit the ground.

Becky lost interest in what Billy was doing as John moved forward and grabbed both her hands. "You look absolutely amazing. Lucky most of the guys in the room can't see you, or I'd be fighting them off all night. I am the luckiest guy ever born...or should I say who ever died?"

Becky suddenly knew how Cinderella must have felt at the ball. Knowing she'd met her Prince Charming and couldn't even hope to keep him. When John wrapped her up in his arms she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Wow Beck, you look pretty amazing too. Not as good as Kate of course, but a close second," Billy said, his eyes sparkling in his flushed face.

"Hey you guys, the party's in here remember?" Lance called from the doorway. "Wow look sensational. And if there were any other gorgeous girls around here I'd say the same about them." He grinned and winked at Becky.

"Hey Kate, love the dress," Mandy said, as she stepped up beside Lance and grabbed his arm. "Come and get something to eat before it's all gone."

They all entered the room heading for the food table, and Becky pulled John into a quiet corner. "Are the boys all here yet?"

John frowned. "All except Eric, and another guy named Sean. They're in their rooms but not answering the door."

"What about old pollyguy? Any unexplained bumps in the night yet?"

John chuckled. "So far so good. But we really need to get those last two guys out of their rooms. Any suggestions?"

"Apart from setting fire to their rooms nothing's jumping out at me. Maybe Mr Ballou might have some luck. I'll go ask Billy to get him on the job. And no perving on any of these gorgeous girls while I'm gone," Becky said.

"Why would I be interested in second prize when I already have the winner? Now go will you!"

She caught Billy's eye from the other side of the room and held her hand to her ear like she was holding a phone. She heard Billy excuse himself and duck outside, so she floated out to meet him.

"Hey Beck', what's up?" he said into the phone.

"Apparently Eric and Sean are still in their rooms. Can you get Mr Ballou to tell them they have to at least come out and eat dinner? Meals are compulsory aren't they?"

"Sure thing, I'll get onto it right away. Kate has some party games she reckons are guaranteed to get everyone laughing, so we'll start organising them as soon as those guys arrive. I think most of the other guys are starting to chill, the girls are all making a huge fuss of them. So fingers crossed. Hopefully, pollyguy should be about as weak as a newborn puppy by now."

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