4. || a date or a trainwreck

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Beacon hills preserve is full of lots of different colours ranging from bright green to the deepest shades of brown

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Beacon hills preserve is full of lots of different colours ranging from bright green to the deepest shades of brown. The branches are creaking in the light morning air whilst the fog filters in, the sound of feet shuffling through the detritus as people go for their morning walks.

I flip over from laying on my back to my stomach as I take in a deep breath expecting smell the rich sweet scent of my room but instead of that homely scent hitting my nose instead it's filled with the scent of trees, that great earthy pine mixed in with wildflowers that smell more of pollen than sweetness.

The rich earthy air both sweet and sour take over, robbing my senses from there peaceful awakening to more of an abrupt one. As I roll over, I feel the kiss of fallen leaves surrounding me as I lay on the forest floor inside of a coyote den.

"Lucía" a worried voice whispers causing me to let out a groan and roll over, I suddenly realise that this isn't all a dream that this is all happening right now. I smack my arm up feeling the rough bark between my fingertips confirming my theory that this is actually happening.

"What the fuck..."

It takes us a while to gather our bearings and when we both have no idea what happened last night and how we ended up here we decided the best decision would be to just get out of the woods to somewhere safe.

Once Scott and I get out of the coyote den, we see the bestial wolf who bit us last night, though shrouded in fog, it takes us one look before deciding to run as fast as we can to try and evade him. Whether it's a smart idea to run from a predator I have no idea but staying there and fighting him wasn't exactly an option.

We eventually jump over a fence into a body of water, which causes us to frantically twist around until we realise that we jumped into Scott's neighbours swimming pool, and that neighbour in question is currently in his backyard staring at us incredulously.

Knowing that neither of us have a good explanation for why we're in this man's pool in pretty much our underwear Scott goes for the polite route whilst I opt on saying nothing and staring him down.

"Good morning!" Scott says cheerily whilst I just glare at him not in the mood for pleasantries, but Scott just smacks me over the head and nods up to the man.

"Well, it's clearly not a good morning because we're in the man's swimming pool in his garden and now I've got to walk home in my underwear soaking wet!"

Needless to say, the man didn't utter a word he just let us leave looking at us as if we're crazy and if I'm being completely honest at this point even, I'm questioning my sanity.

Today, has not gotten off to a good start so yes, I'm moody again is anyone surprised, not really, no. I'm allowed to be angry after everything that has occurred whether I'm talking in general or just this morning.

CLOAKED LUST •allison argentWhere stories live. Discover now