11. || the impossible happens

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Sweat. I am drenched in so much sweat. When I wake up, I can feel in running of my body from my head right down to my pinkie toe but that's not the main problem I'm having this morning.

My main problem is that no matter how much I try to convince myself that it was all just a dream my mind does not want to cooperate, and I can't blame it considering there is dried blood on me in the shape of what looks like claw marks. So, I do my main coping method when I don't want to talk or bother anyone.

This morning when it comes to working out, I push myself harder than I usually do. I go for a run but when that's not enough I go back out but this time into the back yard and start punching my punching bag.

When dad comes in after his night shift, he wants to ask what's going on; he wants to know what has happened to get his daughter worked up to this point, but he doesn't know how to phrase it.

And he's tired so tired, but then Noah watches as Stiles easily walks out there with confidence and when he ends up scaring his sister to the point of him getting pinned to the ground, dad gets ready to go out there and help.

But before he can do so Stiles starts talking quietly saying something to Lucía and se slowly calms down and then it goes from aggressively pinning to a sweaty sort of hug and the next thing he knows Lucía is coming inside.

She kisses his cheek as if nothing has happened before running up to her room to get ready for school and most definitely to take a shower because holy hell does she smell bad.

However, Noah isn't reassured. He can't go upstairs and go to sleep like he usually does because all he can think about is how he doesn't really know his daughter at all, and that thought plagues his mind like the black death plagued London.

Why didn't he know what to do? How come Stiles easily went out there and talked her down? How come Stiles wasn't scared when she pinned him to the ground?

Noah doesn't know, but he knows one thing, he's going to make it his mission to understand his daughter! He's going to become a better father and be there for her like Claudia would've wanted.

But that is part of the problem, Stiles is so much like him in so many ways that he understands him so easily, but Lucía is not only the spitting image of her mother (bar the black hair which she got from his side of the family), but she is also exactly like Claudia.

Lucía is like Claudia when it comes to being closed off by so many things and never being able to admit when she's hurt or scared— insanely loyal to the people she cares about as well as protective.

It's not like Noah and Stiles aren't but when someone's horrible to people Claudia and Lucía care about their first thought is causing them some sort of pain whether it's physical or mental whilst Stiles and Noah's first thought is stopping the person.

Noah doesn't know how long he was stood there thinking about everything, but when he finally drags himself upstairs, he sees Lucía leaving her room; damp hair down her back, baggy ripped black jeans, a tight black top, some overly expensive trainers but that's not what catches his attention this time.

CLOAKED LUST •allison argentWhere stories live. Discover now