14. || the weird vision

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The thing is with days like these with having nothing planned all you do is stress out more

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The thing is with days like these with having nothing planned all you do is stress out more. Even though we need a break with all the information we found out last night I can't seem to calm down enough for this to feel like one.

I spent the morning with Scotty knowing that he was stressing out after all the information he received last night, putting some of his views into the right order and him finally not being mad at Derek for stuff that wasn't Derek's fault. That doesn't mean he likes the older wolf he just understands more.

After that Stiles and I went over everything that we knew so far which wasn't as much as we needed but it was still something and it helped us deduct more from the situation than we had before.

"So, your dream about Allison and Scott's dream about Scott—" Stiles says cutting himself off as he thinks about it.

"What about it?" I ask knowing that Stiles has something to say but also not wanting to set me off.

"Why did that dream even happen? I mean you didn't kill the bus driver?" Stiles questions practically buzzing in his seat from all the Adderall he's taken.

"I think it was because of both Scott and I were there, and the alpha needed to make us feel like we'd killed him so he could get away with what he'd done for as long as possible as well as making our wolves believe the same thing because if our wolves didn't believe it, we would immediately know the truth" I try to explain not really understanding it myself.

"But what does he get from that?" Stiles questions.

"Well, he sets us on edge. He makes our wolves feel out of control, he knew for me it would never have made me lose control if it was just about the bus driver but for him to make me believe it was someone about the bus driver but to do with someone in my friendship group, the people I care about getting hurt is going to affect me a lot more and he knew that both would work for Scott but only one for me" I say looking confused because I'm still not a hundred percent sure.

"So, are Derek and Scott still arguing?" Stiles says trying to be subtle about it as after last night he tried to get information from me but I was so tired all I wanted to do was sleep which he understood but he thought he could question me this morning but obviously I was away with Scott so he couldn't.

"No, I don't think so. Scott understands more but that doesn't mean that they like each other" I state causing Stiles to nod.

"Are we gonna talk about you and Allison, and about how you almost lost control over the thought of losing her" Stiles says wiggling his eyebrows causing me to roll my eyes.

"Or maybe I lost control over the fact that I thought that I murdered someone" I snap back immediately contradicting Stiles' point.

"Okay then, changing the subject slightly. What about Derek? Does your wolf still think of him as pack?" Stiles questions causing me to think before nodding.

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