12. || heavily populated

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Beacon hills high school is an overpopulated school, this information is useless unless you're looking in the hallway for the girl you might've just killed

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Beacon hills high school is an overpopulated school, this information is useless unless you're looking in the hallway for the girl you might've just killed.

Scott, Stiles, and I are walking through the halls yet again, but I can't focus on anything but making sure Allison's safe. My wolf wants to come out so I can shift and then we can find her a lot quicker but that would put our pack in danger, and I would never do that.

"She's probably fine" Stiles says trying to reassure two panicked wolves, one of which is his sister who is currently glaring at her phone as if it offended her, we need more information and fast.

"She's not answer Lucía's texts, Stiles, this isn't good" Scott says whilst I frantically look around at all of the students in the hallway to try and see if I can spot Allison among the crowds milling in the halls.

"I don't like this, and my wolf hates this" I say through gritted teeth as I knock past people not caring in the slightest about hurting the random students that get caught in the crossfire.

"It could just be a coincidence, all right?" Stiles says continuing to reassure us.

"A coincidence? Don't be stupid look at all the evidence that is there Mieczyslaw" I snap but it does make Stiles realise that the evidence makes this 'coincidence' theory somewhat unlikely.

"Okay! A seriously amazing coincidence..." Stiles adds to his previous statement in a somewhat defeated voice.

"I feel like I'm going to lose control, we need to find her, and quick" I state causing Stiles' eyes to widen when he realises that his sister is being deadly serious.

"Just help us find her, okay?" Scott says in a calmer voice as he tries his best not to look at the panicked look on his alpha's face knowing that this will cause him to break down completely.

"Come on Allison, where are you?" I mutter under my breath, I'm basically turning in circles as I walk to try and spot Allison in the crowd, and the boys, are more calm than there alpha, and they turn their head back and forth to visually scan through the students as well.

"Do you see her?" Scott asks becoming more agitated, he doesn't know how much longer he's going to be able to cope without losing control himself.

"No..." Stiles trails off sighing at the more frantic look on his sister's face, it has no right in being there.

"Shit— this isn't good" I say as I continue to look, anxiously running my hands through my hair, until I finally speed up and turn around the corner losing control. Stiles and Scott, both panicking now, scramble to follow but find themselves getting lost in the crowd although Scott has got his alphas scent in his nose, so he hurries to continue following it.

Around the corner, I start struggling to control my breathing, my heartbeat loudly thumps in my ears, as I press myself against one of the lockers, bracing against it with both hands. I look to the floor not wanting anyone to see my face, my head is resting against the metal door of the locker, my eyes starting to flash their protective red.

CLOAKED LUST •allison argentWhere stories live. Discover now