Chapter 20

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Saturday night sped around what felt like faster than the speed of light. The previous night, Kaylin and Tyler had played an away again. The females had annihilated again, while the boys lost their second and third games of the season; 20-18 on Tuesday and 24-4 on Friday. It was a brutal loss, but no one gave them any crap about it except their coach. After their loss on Tuesday's game, they had a mandatory practice on Wednesday, and then their regular practice on Thursday.

Sitting on the long couch in front of the television of Jordan's living room was Jordan himself, holding his phone in place on his thigh as he watched Kaylin and Jacob play Madden. They were sitting at the very end of the couch, silently yet aggressively going at each other. Tyler sat at the other end of the couch beside Jordan, using one of his hands to scroll down his phone with, and the other to bring his can of Arizona tea to and from his mouth.

Jordan sucked his teeth as he watched Jacob's team score a touch down. Jacob whispered a silent, "Yes!" to himself, and Kaylin grunted in defeat.

"Aye, let me see it," Jordan said as he reached his hand towards her controller.

She quickly snatched the controller out of his reach. "No!" she shouted angrily. He had been asking to "see" her controller ever since she'd started playing. She was getting  irritated by it. And on top of that she was losing. The competitive side of her was coming out, and it wasn't cute.

"D*mn!," Jordan said, revolting backwards due to her sternness.

Tyler was scrolling down his Twitter news feed and was instantly reminded about Jordan's "plan" by a flyer someone had posted about a party later that night. "Are you going to tonight's party?" he asked glancing over at him.

"Nah," Jordan answered absentmindedly. His main focus was on watching the video game.

"Why not?"

Without removing his gaze, Jordan nodded his head left towards the corner of the living room. Tyler peered over to the corner and understood Jordan's reasoning when he saw the silver crutches standing there, one on top of the other.

"So what?"

"I'm not going to no party on crutches," Jordan countered. "I'll forever be known as 'that nigga that came to the party on crutches'. Somebody gon be like, 'Aye, you remember that light skinned boy from last night?' and then somebody else gon say, 'Oh you talkin' 'bout that nigga that was on them crutches?' Nah, I ain't with it."

"So how are you gonna pull off your 'plan'?" Tyler asked lowering his voice.

But the one person who wasn't supposed to hear it, heard it, and was now attentive to Jordan and Tyler's conversation. "What plan?" Kaylin asked with her eyes still glued to the television.

Jordan glared quickly at Tyler for mentioning it around her, then sucked his teeth and said, "D*mn, why you so nosey?"

"Why you so secretive?" Kaylin shot back.

"Anyway," Jordan continued, focusing his eyes back on the television. "The party's not until next month. I should be off my crutches by then."

"I still don't think it's a good idea."

Jordan sucked his teeth. He knew deep down inside that this was probably a stupid idea. But he had made up his mind and he wasn't trying to be persuaded in any other direction.

Tyler had thought of another objection to Jordan and Anthony's plan, but failed to transform his single thought into words when the opening of the front door immediately distracted him. Female voices and humorous giggles came from behind the wall where the front door was located. And Tyler looked over to see who it was.

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