🖤🖤Douse Us In My Sins❤️️

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A rework of my 'Nagito survives chapter 5' fic because I REALLY hate it so I fixed it up a little. Partially rewritten, added a dash of KomaHina, shortened and given a different ending, and a small bit more hurt/comfort. Still most parts are gonna be very similar to the original if youve read it, the changes were just to make it less grating. Enjoy!
(The double black heart is intentional)
(Obvious TW for the events of ch 5)


Nagito smiled slightly as he worked. He threw the spear over the ceiling girder, and held the end of the chord. Then, slowly and methodically, he wrapped some tan rope around the pillars, making sure each length was long enough. He wrapped a small piece of rope around his left hand, before burning the end of it with his oil lighter. He lied down on the cold concrete, and put a strip of duct tape over his mouth, before tying the ropes on the pillars around his limbs, making sure not to let go of the spear. Then, he pulled out his survival knife. Nagito held his breath for a moment. This was it. Nagito plunged the knife directly into his thigh. Fighting back a choked scream, he ripped it out, and stabbed himself again, and again, and again, and again.

Soon enough both of his thighs were littered with deep stab wounds. Fighting back cries of pain, Nagito changed his target. He began to make deep lacerations in his left arm, slicing through his sleeves and skin like butter. Nagito stopped, catching his breath. The pain was immense, but he wasn't done. In fact, he had barely begun. He shoved the knife into the Monokuma plushie beside him, and with a muffled cry, he drove his hand down onto it, before knocking the plushie aside, still tightly gripping the spear cord.

Now, all he had to do was wait. Wait in absolute agony as he slowly bled out on the concrete, waiting for the other inhabitants of Jabberwock Island to arrive and finish what he started.

Finally, after what felt like eons of pain, the door burst open. Nagito couldn't see it since the curtain was in the way, but he could easily hear the sound of it being kicked open, even with the creepy music blaring in the background. If it weren't for the immense pain he was in and the tape over his mouth, he'd have smiled. Then, he saw a small flame start to grow on the curtain, and soon enough, the whole thing was engulfed in flame. Nagito watched it, still gripping the spear's cord tightly, hoping they would get the fire grenades soon, so the pain could end. Nagito heard shouting from the other end of the warehouse, but he couldn't make out what they were saying over the loud music and the crackling of the fire. By now, most of the curtain had burned up, but Nagito couldn't see much beyond the raging flames. He just laid there for what felt like an eternity, though it was likely only a few minutes, subjected to the heat of the flames, and the pain all over his body.

Eventually, Nagito saw the sprinklers come on, dousing the fire. The fire slowly shrank just enough that he could just barely make out the door, and the people there. Hajime, Kazuichi, Sonia, Fuyuhiko, Akane, and Chiaki were standing there, watching the fire slowly go out. Each one had a fully intact red fire grenade in hand. Nagito's pale skin became even paler. They were too slow. The sprinklers came on before they got back with the grenades, and now they weren't throwing them. Nagito stared wide-eyed, as the fire was diminished to nothing but smoke before his eyes. He saw the six people before him start running in, only to be stopped by Monokuma, and then all leave. All Nagito could do was watch, unable to move, as they all left the building, leaving him alone with the smoke and the pain.

After a painfully long time, most of the smoke was cleared away, and the others came back. At this point, he was struggling to breathe properly with the tape over his mouth, and his eyes were streaming from all the smoke, or maybe from the pain, he couldn't be sure. He had been trying to get out, but with three limbs tied, and the last one with a knife sticking out of it, his efforts were futile, so he had had to just lie there and take it, but they were finally back. Throughout the time he spent lying there, he contemplated just letting go of the spear and ending his suffering, but that wouldn't accomplish anything. He wanted his death to have meaning. So, he just allowed himself to suffer.

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