Chapter One ~ To Forks

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"My, my your taking us on a vacation to see your family?" A woman with long Black hair smiled brightly as her bags were loaded up into the jet.

It was unfortunate that only two of the girls could come, but Antonio was sure they'll get a chance to come also.

"Yes, and no," Antonio signed, "You'll be meeting my sister, and father. My mother isn't in the picture though."

To say he was upset over his parents divorce wasn't an over exaggeration, he didn't mind that they split, but it was what his mother said to his father that made him go little to no contact with her.

She was rude, and made his father feel horrible for a long time, and it probably still hurts him to this day.

"The others will get a chance to meet them soon hopefully."

The other girls had to stay to watch over their newest peerage member, Issei Hyoudou. He was a little reluctant to have the little pervert join, but Rias was sure he'll be of use to us.

"Yeah, Rias-san was really sad when she learnt that she couldn't come." Asia signed.

Alot of the girls were upset that they couldn't come, Koneko was in her last year of college and needed to focus on exams. Rias was currently babysitting her Nephew while her brother and sister in law went on another Honeymoon, Gasper was also busy with college, and the hospital that Kiba worked in needed all the help they could get, and Finally Issei wasn't allowed anywhere near his family with his perverted tendencies.

"Isn't your little sister still in school?" Akeno smiled, she has always wanted to meet my sister and wanted to quote on quote. 'See what she can handle.'

"She is," Antonio nodded, they were eight years apart with her being seventeen right now, and him being forever twentyfour.

"Shes a little troublemaker also." He wouldn't deny it, she was clumsy, and he wouldn't be surprised if she didn't get into any trouble before he arrived.

"I'm sure she's great! I can't wait to meet her!" Asia was the optimistic lover in the group, can only think of the good things but only if she knew just how crazed and obsessive Bella could get.

She had a weird type of love for him, always upset of he dated anyone and didn't tell her first, or if he paid attention to someone other than her when she was around. Weird but he loved her so much, while slightly annoyed with her behavior.

"Her behavior won't be a problem for me." Akeno smirked.

"It's Asia who I'm worried about." Antonio glanced at the girl who was buckling up, it's been a long time and she's gotten better at using her Scared Gear even going as far as to get balance breaker, but she still didn't have the heart to fight, so instead stuck to being the medic of team.

"We'll be reaching forks in thirteen hours so, get comfortable." Ebichu was casually running around the plane in a little pink ball. She looked to be enjoying herself.

"Oh, so much time to ourselves." Akeno purred, she was already wrapped up in a bundle of blankets but the stare she gave off was quite bone chilling.

"We do, don't we!" Asia perked up, it's been a while hasn't it with everyone being so busy.

She wasn't really the intimate type so the times she got with Antonio was quite rare compared to Rias and Akeno who basically attached to him.

Koneko wasn't really intimate either, but she's been with him more because of her Heats she gets every month or so.

"Ah, I hope Koneko will be okay." Asia signed, luckily her heat ended a week before they left so now they've got an entire month before it'll hit again.

"I can always teleport back over there, the plane is simply for show, Forks is a small town and we can't just show up out of nowhere."

Antonio laid back in his seat, he had a point. They had an image to keep up and couldn't risk anyone knowing of their true nature.

"Wanna cuddle?" Asia hopped over to Where antonio laid with Akeno trailing behind her, a happy smile and sparkling eyes in place.

"Yeah. Let's cuddle"

"MASTER, MASTER, I wanna cuddle too!" Ebichu rolled over to them also.

"I guess you can."

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